Chapter 46: Speedy

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You and Michael had finished searching the house. It was entirely empty. The both of you were just stalling at this point, neither wanting to touch the corpse of Scott.

You knew you should tell the police. That's what any sane person would do. However, there were a lot of things going against you and you didn't want to be called a murderer.

On another note, if someone were to stumble upon Scotty's body, it would most definitely get traced back to you and Michael. You tried telling him this but he was being unreasonable. He insisted on ridding the body himself.

You couldn't tell if you wanted to just get it over with, or stall some more. The smell of his decaying body made you want to vomit. Though you didn't want to engage in any more criminal activity than you already have.

"Well...the more we wait the more time Afton has with your siblings."

You decided the smell was overwhelmingly nauseating and wanted to hurry this process up. Your words seem to strike Michael quickly.

"He's not going to do anything to them." Michael declared. Neither of you believed his words.

You contemplated bringing up Henry. Maybe he could be helpful. Besides, he would definitely want to know that Elizabeth and Chris were taken by William.

You didn't get the chance to though as Michael had already swung the front door open and marched towards the car. Completely neglecting the dead body lying on the couch.

"What are you doing?! We still have to take care of Scott!" You yelled from the doorway. Michael was turning the car on as you spoke.

"We have wasted way too much time here. We need to find them now!"

"W-well, what about Scott?!" You were quite surprised by his behavior. Scotty was his friend. He was so eager to bury him not so long ago. Did you really spook him that much?

"We'll come back for him! Get in the car."

Michael was waiting impatiently in the drivers seat. His hands were tapping restlessly on the steering wheel. You looked back at Scott, noticing a few flies starting to circle around him.

Heaving, you walked out of the house and shut the door behind you, making sure to lock it. You didn't want any overstepping neighbors to creep in or something. Hopefully no one would notice Scotty while you two were gone.

As you got into the car you noticed the serious look on Michael's face. He immediately stepped on the gas as soon as you buckled up and started driving at high speeds. He was a hazard on the road.

"Michael! Slow down! You don't even know where they are..."

Fortunately, there was a red light. As you two started approaching the intersection, you realized Michael was not slowing down or stopping. In fact, he was speeding up.

"What the hell are you doing?! You're going to get us killed!" You glanced at him, panicked, his face was stern and determined. You were fearing your own life. He was going seventy and you were driving through a small town!

"Stop yelling!" Michael shouted, frustrated as he was trying to keep his focus. "I figured out where he took them."

You were confused. You wanted to ask more, but you also didn't want to crash. Michael seemed like his attention shifted every time you spoke, and you wanted him completely focused on the road if he wasn't planning on slowing down.

Still, you tried one more time.

"Please, slow down...I'm sure we will reach them in time going a safer pace."

The speedometer was still around seventy to eighty, highly dangerous. He was swerving around any car that dare go slower than him. Michael was crossing over sections of the roads he wasn't supposed to, and everyone was honking and flipping us off.

You just knew his luck was going to run out soon. He may have been able to maneuver around some cars, but he's going to crash into someone unexpectedly. And it's going to kill you both!

"Jesus Christ, how far is this place?!" You cried.

Suddenly, sirens started wailing from behind you. At first, you had thought it was an ambulance. But when you noticed multiple sirens that were going high speeds. That were also cutting off cars, you knew you guys were screwed.

"Shit!" Michael looked through his rear-view mirror, noticing a police car chasing behind you. You knew this was bad for the both of you. But you couldn't help but be relieved. Now that the police were called, Michael would finally slow down.

You looked over at him and recognized he was making a turn onto the highway. The multiple police cars were still right behind you. You questioned his motive. Surely, he was going to stop...?

"Michael, what are you doing?" You nervously inquired. His eyes hadn't left the road.

He slammed his foot on the gas. The speedometer went flying. You held onto your seat for dear life. You were actually going to cry. This was so terrifying. You were going to die. And you couldn't do anything!

"MICHAEL!! STOP! PLEASE!" You screamed, tears falling down your face. You were going one-twenty, moving up to one-thirty. It was only getting worse. Could the police even contain this?

"We are going to my siblings. The police won't stop me." His voice was stone-cold. You just wanted to steal the wheel from him, but at this speed, that decision would be deadly.

"This isn't the way!" You sniffled. You held onto anything. Anything that could provide security for you.

He continued bypassing cars. There were a few people going quite fast, though no one matched Michael's speed. The police weren't even daring to try. They were falling behind.

He was switching lanes so often due to the amount of slow cars in front of us. The lane switching was the scariest part. The car was so unsteady when it happened and you always had to worry about him crashing.

"Are we close?!" You begged the higher-ups that this would be over soon. The stress was too much. If you could safely jump out the car, you would've.

"Just five more minutes."

You covered your eyes.

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