Chapter 21: Long Night

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You were unsettled going into the dinner with Mr. Afton and it wasn't getting any better as the other two coincidentally didn't have much to say today. The first five minutes of the meal were all about Liz and Chris' day, but it was surprisingly short lasting.

"Speaking of school, Y/N, I need to discuss something with you after dinner."

Afton's tone was stern and you gulped. You assumed he would have no idea about what occurred recently, but maybe he had told the school about your living situation.

In that case, you were screwed.

"Um, okay."

He smiled eerily, "Don't get so uncomfortable, dear. I'm not going to berate you."

At a lost for words, you simply gave him a nod and fake smile. He took that as your compliance and continued chatting it up with his children. They seemed to have stirred up some meaningful conversation thankfully, and spared you the awkwardness of speaking with him.

You desperately wished for Michael right now. Which surprised you as you had never been so needy for his presence, but being with his family without him didn't feel right.

Especially with Afton.

"Y/N will show me! Right?!" Elizabeth exclaimed. You tuned back into their conversation.

"Sorry, what do you need help with Lizzy?"

She groaned, annoyed you hadn't heard her the first time.

"My math homework! We're learning how to multiply and it's really hard!" Elizabeth continued to show obvious distress and displeasure on her face, much opposing to Chris. He never showed much emotion,
though he was just as capable of it.

Speaking of, he was currently sitting at the table with a blank stare seeming to be a observer as he ate his dinner, but kept his eyes between his food and us.

"Yeah, sure. I just need to speak to Mr. Afton before I can help you." The whole time you didn't break eye contact with Elizabeth, cause you knew Afton was staring right at you, probably pleased with your response.

"Aw, fine!"


Dinner ended roughly twenty five minutes later. Afton had told the kids to go up to their rooms and told Liz you'd help with her homework later. He was currently coming back from cleaning the table.

Still no Michael.

"I've heard you've gotten into some trouble at school."

He always found a way to startle you, and you jumped slightly to the sudden noise coming from behind you. That being Afton's voice.

"Yes, I am actually surprised you know about tha—"

"The details aren't important. I'm not your father and I'm not here to scold you but they're considering expelling you and I would be very displeased to have you staying in my house all day."

Now, you weren't fond of Mr. Afton at all. But his words still hurt you. He was basically saying he would kick you out if you got expelled. You couldn't even control that situation! You had no where to go if the worst happened.

"I understand, Mr. Afton."

"Of course, we could work something out. If you were to work for me full-time at Freddy's, I would let you live here rent free without going to school." He paused, "But that's only if you get expelled. Perhaps you won't." considered this. You would be able to see Michael, and the others. It would mainly only be at work but you could figure something out. You'd have to for the idiotic thing you did.

You sighed, "I have no where else to go so if the worst happens, I'll do it."

"Hopefully it won't come to that." Afton smirked and placed a hand on your shoulder briefly before walking away. You chortled in disgust when he left before going up to Michael's room.

You'd go to Liz in a few you just needed a minute to process everything.

Sitting on his bed, you pulled out your phone and scrolled through your contacts.

Y/N: Sorry but I think I'm gonna be your co-worker.

You situated yourself further onto his bed, awaiting a reply. It was the night shift so you were expecting one soon. After all, what the hell could he be doing at night there?

"Y/N, Are you coming?! I don't know what three times two is!!" Elizabeth shouted from her bedroom. You sat up from his bed and contemplated what to do. Mr. Afton would probably be upset if you didn't help Liz.

And you didn't want that.

You walked down the hall into her bedroom and saw her scrunched up face staring down at the paper on her desk. Everything was disorganized and she looked like a mess.

"I'm here. What do you need help on?"

Ironically, your phones rings at this time and you knew it was Michael. You have no social life and barely any other contacts. You were just going to have to switch between your phone and Elizabeth.

"Problem eight. What's three times two?" She asked frustratingly.

"Well, to solve that you'd have to either add three, two times, or add two, three times." She looked up at you, puzzled. But began writing down numbers onto the paper. You took this time to look at your phone.

Michael: Did you talk to my father?

Y/N: He talked to me. He really wanted me to work for him lol.

Michael: Not funny. This job sucks.

Y/N: All jobs suck. At least now I get to annoy you.

"Is the answer six? Hello?!" Elizabeth irritatingly waved over your phone. You sighed and put it down as your heard another ping.

"Yep! Do you have more questions?"

"Not right now. But I probably will. Can you stay for a little bit please?!" She looked up at you with those cute, irresistible eyes of hers that you couldn't say no to.

"Yeah, okay."

"Awesome! Thanks, Y/N!" She smiled and turned back around towards her desk. You looked back down at your phone and continued this eventful conversation.

Michael: No. The night shift is really bad. He's going to stick you on the night shift and you really don't want that. Please tell me you can still quit.

Y/N: I already made an agreement with him. He's going to interview me and everything.

Michael: Shit. Why would you do something like that?!

Y/N: It's not something I can explain over text, when does ur shift end?

Michael: 6. Can I pick u up for breakfast?

Y/N: And ur dad?

Michael:  He's working the first shift. Be ready for 6 and be ready to explain.

"Y/N—I'm stuck on number nine!"

You groaned.

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora