Chapter 23: Angry Afton's

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The car ride home was dead silent. You weren't able to eat breakfast either since you both had been kicked out by the waiter. Michael had a permanent scrunched look on his face, you didn't dare comment about it or the argument.

What worried you the most was running into Afton. It was around seven a.m now, and he was definitely awake, Elizabeth and Chris too. You weren't even sure if Michael was going to school either. He was supposed to leave in twenty minutes. The two of you arrived home in that duration.

"Are you going to school today?" You said in a monotone. You didn't want the question to create another squabble.


He didn't even look at you. You furrowed your brows and glared as he opened his car door and walked into his house, not waiting for you. You sat there for a moment trying to rid the dread in your body. And the anger.

Taking a deep breath, you attempted to catch up behind him. He had thankfully kept the door open for you, so at least he wasn't being a total jerk. But when you entered the household, you immediately noticed a unhappy, William Afton, standing there and scolding Michael.

"You were supposed to be home at six-thirty, Michael! What the fuck are you taking Y/N with you for? I don't want two residents in my house being nicotine addicts!" William was enraged. It was extremely noticeable and unfortunately Michael was getting the wrath of it. You felt a bit guilty. The two of you were just getting breakfast. Why was his father assuming that?

"We weren't smoking father! I just took her out to breakfast." He explained, seemingly more frightened than mad. You wondered why. You knew Afton was creepy but Michael had quite the temper himself. You weren't used to seeing him like this.

"Better of been just that, Michael. Or I swear to God—" He spoke with pure hatred. It honestly reminded you of your own father, but Afton was different. You didn't know how to put it.

Fortunately, his threat became empty as Elizabeth stormed into the room, crying. William's attention quickly shifted towards his upset daughter.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice had switched into a calmer and softer one to console her. You looked at Michael who's face was written with jealousy. You're heart felt for him, and you felt sick watching the favoritism.

"Chris won't hand me my dolly!" She sniffled, pointing upstairs. Afton looked at the staircase, then back down at Liz and smiled. You felt uncomfortable with this bipolar behavior.

"I'll take care of it. Let's go." He nudged her, and she wiped the tears off her cheeks and started towards the stairs. Afton paused and looked back at Michael one last time, "You're going to school today."

And he left.

You looked at Michael to try and find a reaction on his face, get a read on his emotions, but all you could see was his endless gaze at the staircase where Lizzy and William went. You wanted to comfort him, but you still felt awkward about the situation from earlier.

"Hey..." You said, trying to bring his eyes to you. It didn't work as he continued to have that hopeless stare at the stairs. "Michael, c'mon, we need to go."

He didn't budge. It was understandable. He was tired and his day had started off terribly. Not to mention the threats Afton was making. It scared you thinking about what he possibly would've said if Elizabeth hadn't walked in.

"Michael, if you miss school he's going to be even more upset. You can take a nap in Chemistry, remember?"

He moved at the mention of his father's anger. His face was emotionless. You didn't really know what to say either. When you had been through this, no one had ever given you words of encouragement. You had no experience with this.

"Can you drive?" He finally spoke, hope ignited within you as he finally seemed to be snapping out of it.


"Take the keys. I don't trust myself behind the steering wheel." He threw the keys at you, his mistrust referring to his sleep deprivation. You smiled.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late."


You and Michael were meant to meet at Freddy's after he slept for a little bit. You dropped him back off at home after school, he was a little more talkative but still quiet, and then you headed to the diner.

Afton said him and a man named, Henry Emily were to interview you. You didn't know anything about him, but you hoped he wasn't as weird as Michael's dad.

As you entered the pizzeria, you immediately recognized the familiar smell of cheese and greasy food being given out. You had to admit, it was probably gross, but the smell was appetizing.

Kids were seen running around the arcade and you could already see the three main animatronics on the stage, Foxy in his Cove surrounded by a few kids. You were told by text message to go to Mr. Emily's office. You just didn't know how to get there. Afton had texted you that and he was no where to be seen.

"Excuse me, I have an interview with Mr. Emily, can you take me to his office?" You bothered one of the cashiers. She was a ginger who seemed quite young and happy, so you hoped her personality was similar to her appearance.

"Aw, aren't ya Mikey's little girlfriend?" She asked, smiling widely. You leaned backwards in embarrassment.

"Where'd you get that from?!"

"You two aren't together? Well, he's totally in love with you! He's always talkin' about Y/N this and Y/N that....You are Y/N?" She stopped her energetic motions, squinted her eyes and looking me up and down.

"Um, yeah." You blushed.

"I knew it. You look just like he said, ha. C'mere, I'll take ya right to Henry." She waved you behind the counter and opened one of those gates so you could go to her spot. Still quite stunned, you followed her in silence.

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