Chapter 39: Unbelievable

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"I can't believe we're doing this..." Michael grunted.

"Do you want to get probed by your dad? This is the best option, Michael." Henry berated Michael, forcing him to do the deed. You didn't understand this.

Begrudgingly, Michael raised his hand and opened the door to your house. When Henry first told you about this, you felt extreme anger and hostility. They had no idea how bad it was back there. But he apparently had another plan that didn't involve your parents, and that kept you going.

Your mother answered the door. Oh god. Your mother.

"What the hell—" She paused, noticing you. "Y/N?!"

No one said anything. Your mother seemed rather speechless by your presence. That part unsettled you the most. She was always a woman of words.

"Listen, Mrs. L/N, we have an issue and we need a favor from you." Henry spoke. He had previously told you he was going to manipulate and shame your parents into his bidding. It probably wouldn't work.

"...What kind of favor?" She looked Henry up and down. You couldn't decipher if it was suggestive or not. You didn't want to.

"Stop that. We need to use your house as living quarters for a period of time. We also need you out of the house for that time. It is for everyones safety that this is done. For your daughters."

You couldn't help but slowly slip behind Michael for this conversation. It was too utterly awkward for your liking. This was the first time you had seen your mother in months, she hadn't even visited at the hospital. Though, she might not of known.

Where was your father?

"Oh, quiet! She would've been just fine if she never met that stupid son of a bitch! Don't put her danger on me." Your mother looked past all of you, almost as if in reconciliation.

"She's your daughter!" Michael chimed in, Henry looked at him, a bit surprised. "It's your job to protect her and take care of her, and you failed! This is the least you could do!"

Your mother was once again speechless. And the situation was becoming quite uncomfortable. There was a warmth in your heart from Michael's words, however, you still felt embarrassed standing there.

She frowned. "Why do I need to leave my house? This is my property."

Henry took over once again, silencing Michael before he could speak. "There is a threat that is impending to all of us. Surely, you don't want to stick around for that?"

"What threat?"

Everyone looked at each other. Not sure whether to be honest or to lie. The news of William Afton might excite your mother too much, making her want to stay.

"My wife wants to hurt all of us, and won't stop until she accomplishes such. She knows who you are because of Y/N and wants to kill you too. I suggest you leave before it is too late."

You looked up at Henry in shock. He had never spoken about his wife before, and it must've been hard to speak about her in this manner. You knew she wasn't a murderous psychopath. It just showed how much Henry was willing to sacrifice to protect everyone.

Your mothers eyes widened in dismay. She had a look of complete fright on her face. Something you had never seen before.

"I don't want to die! I'm too young!" She stormed down the hallway, grabbing her things along the way. "This is just my luck! Why do all of the bad things happen to me?!"

You raised a brow, quizzically. At least she was leaving.

Michael placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back into the present. You were too warped up in watching your mother, you had forgotten about everyone else.

"Are you alright being here? We can wait in the car if you want."

He had a concerned look in his eyes. Your heart fluttered. He had been making you feel like this for a while now, but that look always did it for you.

"...No. I'm fine. She'll be gone soon. That's all I need." You looked back at Henry, who was helping your mother pack. She seeming almost done with everything since she was in quite the rush. It gave you a feeling of tranquility. This house was now yours.

Michael nodded, staring at the both of them with you. "Hey, Y/N...?"


"Where is your dad?"

You looked down. He was never really around when you were here, he probably wasn't right now either. But you found it very strange how your mother never tried contacting him. Had something happened between them? Had something happened with him?

"Hopefully somewhere safe." You mumbled.

Michael brought his attention back to you now. You didn't want it. You wished he would look away. You just wanted this day to be over with, and your mother to be gone. The part that depressed you the most was that she hadn't even tried to talk to you. She only cared about herself.

"I'm sorry we had to do this." Michael sighed, noticing the distressed look on your face.

"It's not your fault."

"I don't know, but I promise I won't let my father hurt you again." He paused, "I won't let anyone hurt you again."

You were stunned. Michael was never this considerate or kind. It must've been the situation you two were in because he had never acted this way before. Either way, you enjoyed it.

Not knowing what to say, you grabbed Michael's hand, intertwining it with your own. Michael responded and did the same, squeezing your hand whilst locking them together. You smiled and brought your attention back to your mother.

"Wait! If your stupid wife knows about me then wouldn't she know where I live?!"

Your smile dropped.

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