Chapter 47: Outsmarted

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The diner looked dirty. It seemed as if it was in the process of being built, though it was somehow forgotten.

"Why do you think your dad took them here?" You scrunched your face. You hadn't been to a Freddy's establishment in a long time, and you were hoping to keep it that way.

"Because I know what he's planning to do. I found something he left back at the house." You gave him a look. "I'm sorry! I didn't have much time to tell you!"

"You had plenty of time to explain this when we were arguing earlier—"

There was a sudden surge of alarms, blaring outside the pizzeria. You knew who it was.

"Michael, no one is in here! And the police are outside waiting to arrest you!" You had barely entered the diner and you already felt massive disappointment. You almost wanted to see Afton. At least then, you'd be able to see Elizabeth and Chris.

"My father isn't going to be by the doors, Y/N." Michael sneered. You could only roll your eyes as the police called for the two of you to come out with your hands up.

Sooner or later, they were going to enter the building. It was only a matter of time before the two of you were arrested.

"Fine. If you're so confident that he's here, lead the way."

Nonchalantly, Michael started towards the arcade. You followed behind, aggravated and upset. If you were in jail, you would never be able to save Liz and Chris.

"Why the hell would he be hiding in the arcade?!" You yelled, unable to contain your anger anymore.

"He's not going to be hiding. He's expecting us." Michael continued walking. He went past the arcade and was now heading towards the empty stage, which used to hold life-life animatronics. You didn't think Afton was there either.

Michael darted for the hallway to the right of the stage, where the staff would typically go. It was dimly lit in this area and you found it harder to breath. Maybe you were just nervous?

There were a few doors down the hallway. Some of them had scribbled out names, while others were simply plain. You found it a bit creepy that Michael knew exactly where to go.

"How do you know which door it is?"

"My father had a springlock accident a few years ago. He ended up being fine, but I'll never forget what room he was in..."

Suddenly, Michael stopped and put his hand on the left door. You watched from afar, slightly scared something was going to jump out and take you both.

He shoved the door open, it swung into the wall and made a loud clang. You could barely see into the room as it was pitch black but you knew it was empty.

"What? But—I swear he put that there on purpose!" Michael sputtered. He was speechless. You had somewhat believed his little tale and were now even more disappointed than before.

"Great! And now we're gonna get arrested!" You threw your hands up in the air, resisting the urge to rip your hair out.

As you seethed at Michael, you felt something drop on your head. It was light. Like liquid. You were about to tap your hair when you felt it again.

As you tapped your head, you looked at your hand and realized the liquid substance was red. Horrified, you looked up and saw a vent on the ceiling, covered in blood. The vent was now splattering it all over your head.

Michael brought his focus to you and came to the same realization. You both had terrified looks on your faces as you took a step back and watched the blood continue to drop onto the floor.

"Y-you don't think he's here, right?" You stuttered. You had never wanted anything else to be more true than this right now.

"No...he can't be. He would've revealed himself." Michael's face was in denial. You were petrified. You nearly forgot how to move. The only thing keeping you going was the police being outside.

"Michael, we need to get out of here."

"I'm not leaving them!" He cried. You cradled yourself, completely stressed. Was this the end?

"What if that was them?!"

Michael shut his eyes and pounded on the door, a tear dropped from his eyes as he refused to believe it.

You tried to comfort him, you went to reach for his hand but you realized your hands had blood on them.

You retracted your hand and silently watched.

As Michael grieved, you began to wonder when the police were going to come. You would've thought they would be inside the building by now. It was quite unusual to wait outside this long for two teenagers that are unarmed...

You walked a bit away from Michael, still in sight but just so you could get some visual or maybe hear what was being said. Unfortunately, the arcade machines blocked everything from being seen. But as you marched closer, you were able to hear what the police were saying.

They weren't here for you.

With your eyes wide, you sprinted back to Michael. You noticed the hallway got darker, or perhaps you were just imagining it?

"Michael! Michael! He's her—"

As you were within ten feet of Michael, you saw him get pulled into the right door. You only saw the bunny hands that reached for his torso and threw him in.

That was William. Did he hear you? This was all your fault. If you weren't so loud, he wouldn't of grabbed Michael. You were next. You were sure Michael was being slaughtered like his siblings right now. What were you supposed to do?

Should you run? Saving yourself and living another day?

Or should you risk your life and save them? Try saving the ones you love?

You took a step forward.

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