Chapter 29: Ouch

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"You are decent. Why would you lie about that? What are you hiding?"

You considered Micheal's tiny window as an option for you, but his room was on the second floor and you didn't want to risk breaking anything. Afton would definitely be crazy enough to chase you around outside.

"I'm not hiding anything, Mr. Afton! I just didn't feel comfortable with you coming into the room..." You said, blunt with honesty. If you could get William to see your point of view, maybe he would be too ashamed to do anything to you.

"Not comfortable? How come? I let you in this household and treat you like my own child. I have the right to enter this room."

Clearly, he had no shame.

"But I'm not your child. You can't just go in here when you please. What if I were naked?" You shivered at the thought. Then remembered him saying he had cameras all over the house. Had he already seen you undressed?

"I can do whatever I want. This is my house, Y/N."

There really wasn't much hope for him here. You couldn't get him to see your side and you had a feeling he was going to continue doing his creepy deeds anyway. It irked you, and you were still shaken up from his encounter minutes ago.

"Um, okay. I'm going to go to bed." You're voice cracky, insecure and hesitant around his new profound behavior.

"If you're going to text Micheal about this, I'll know." His voice sharpened, nothing louder than a whisper but still just as alarming.

You didn't answer.

He took that as disobedience, making another few steps closer into Michael's room and closer towards you. You backed away further, not wanting to be anywhere near him.

"Give me your phone." He demanded, holding one hand out as if expecting something to be given. Your cellphone.

"You have no right to do that!"

"Phone. Now." He asked louder. His voice nearly booming through the room. You were surprised everyone was still sound asleep.

Again, you choose silence. And you didn't take your phone out to give him either. It was a bit of a stare off before you questioned whether or not you were in serious trouble.

Suddenly, Afton grabbed for your stomach and held it. You gasped and tried pulling away, shoving him, but his grip was too strong. Whilst holding you, he reached into your pockets and dug through with his fingers, attempting to get your phone. You struggled in his grip the whole time, putting up a fight though it was no use. He was an extremely tall and built man. You were at an disadvantage.

"This is assault!" You cried, slapping at his arms. He only grunted and kept prying.

Finally he had reached your phone, dealing with much of your hesitance. Afton swiped the phone out in his grasp and put it in his own pocket. Aggressively pushing you away when he was done harassing you.

"What the fuck!?" You yelled. About ready to call the police or something. Though, it might not be taken serious when you say, 'my guardian forcefully took my phone!'

"Next time don't be such a nuisance about it." He spat through grit teeth, as if agitated by your whole rebellion. You were fuming by his remark. How dare he touch you and act like that.

"Go fuck yourself, you little bitch! I hope you fucking die in a car crash!"

Bad choice.

You were grabbed by William with his bare hands. He put his fingers down on your throat and began to strangle you. You scrambled for every inch of your breath. Kicking and flailing your arms did nothing. Every attempt at hurting him only made you more weak, you were tuckering yourself out. William was now seeking to murder you. You were helpless as your vision blurred.

"Such a shame...pretty girls like you always have the most attitude." He sighed, not seeming so apologetic, before slamming you down into Michael's bed and continued his chocking.

"S-sto—" You couldn't even speak.

"You upset me darling. This is what happens when you don't listen."

"Please! HEL—"

Your screams for back up were cutoff as a fist to your face came flying at you, making your mind go fuzzy and all feeling in your body being lost.

Then everything went black.


"30 milligrams of morphine..."

"Is she going to be alright?"

"Sir, please step out of the room. We are going to be doing surgery soon."




"How is she?"

"The surgery went as planned. She is in an induced coma temporarily as we allow her injuries to heal."

"Can we stay here and visit?"

"Only during visiting hours, Mr. Afton."




"Why isn't she out of her coma yet?"

"Please calm down. Her injuries on her body are healing slower than usual, due to malnutrition and dehydration. She may take longer than expected."

"It's almost been two weeks! This isn't normal!"

"Nothing that happened to her was."




"Her blood pressure is getting better. You may see her in and out of a sleeping state with these numbers."

"Really? That's great! I was starting to think she wasn't getting better..."

"She has a long way to go, Mr. Afton. Her facial and leg injuries may never heal."


"And after being out this long we don't know what her mental state will be like either."

"What do you mean?"

"Brain damage is extremely possible in her case, sir."


"How is my father doing?"




Bright lights engulfed you. That's the first thing you noticed when you opened your eyes. The room was so bright. You felt like a newborn who had just opened their eyes for the first time ever. It was nauseating.

"Oh my god. She's awake!" Someone yelled, running out of the room. You didn't bother to move or react to it. Too much of a hassle.

"Y/N L/N? Do you know what year it is and where you are right now?"

Jeez. A whole crew of nurses and doctors bombarded your room, instantly showering you with questions and drugs. You felt too tired to say much to them.


"Can you tell me the year, Y/N L/N?" A nurse asked, shining a light in your eyes that made you recoil.

"I want to sleep."

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now