Chapter 4: Saturday Stroll

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Michael had been miserable throughout the whole dinner. Mr. Afton didn't seem to notice or care he was too busy trying to get with my mom. I could feel my head fuming at every word I heard escape from the two.

"Clara doesn't deserve a gorgeous man like you!"

"Your husband doesn't deserve a delicate rose like you either."

Michael and I both gagged on site. This was certainly disgusting. Both of them were married! For God's sakes, my father is oblivious to all of this right now! I know he isn't the best husband or father...but this is just wrong. Especially since it's my enemies dad!

"Mr. Afton, May I use the bathroom?" My eyes pleaded.

"Of course, dear. Second door on the left." I cringed at the pet name but quickly scrambled to my feet. I guess I could use this time to retrieve what's mine.

I had remembered what room was Michael's. I creepily opened his door and tip-toed inside. There, on top of his bed, was my precious beauty. I snatched it immediately and ran back into the bathroom. That was too easy. I chuckled. Now I just had to hope he wouldn't notice.

I hid my skateboard in the bathtub and closed the curtains. We ended up staying pretty late at Michael's and after four hours, we finally decided to leave. I raced back into the bathroom to retrieve my skateboard but was stopped by the devil himself.

"Where do you think you're going?" Michael bellowed.

"I need to pee. Move." I demanded, attempting to push the punk aside.

"This wouldn't have to do with the skateboard in the bathtub, would it?" He grinned. Damn it! I was so close! I could only think of one last thing to do. Snitch.

"Alright, shithead. Enough with your games. Give me my skateboard back before I snitch to that dilf." I sneered. Stabbing my pointer finger into his chest. He let out a growl and smacked my hand away.

"Did you just call my father a dilf?!" I smirked.

"Yes, give me my skateboard."

He glared at me. "Typical for someone like you to snitch, taking the easy way out." Michael glared.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Give me my skateboard back or else you'll have to see your daddy!" I was less calm this time as I demanded.

"Fine, you can have it back. But this isn't over."


It was a normal Saturday afternoon for me. My father working and my mother was out and about with her 'friends'. Since the weather was nice today I decided to go for a stroll on my skateboard, maybe go ride around town.

I didn't want to go back to the park for a while since I knew Michael would be there. Besides, it might be good for me to go tour my new hometown anyway.

I slipped on a loose t-shirt, with some ripped jeans and vans. I put a beanie on over my hair and ran out the door with my skateboard.

It only took about 20 minutes to make it downtown. I had found a bunch of cool places for me to hang out with my friends-Well, I guess just me. Anyway, I went inside of the cafe and ordered myself a cup of coffee.

After I finished sipping the drink I continued my way further downtown until I stumbled upon something interesting.

It was the so called, 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria' and it looked packed with cars and families hurrying inside. The place actually looked pretty cool, especially for children but I was quite surprised by its popularity. No wonder Michael is feared so much...

Curiosity got the best of me and I soon found myself venturing inside the place. Of course, my own parents would never take me here. They wouldn't have the time or any reason. Unless my mother was desperate. I shivered at the thought and brought my focus to the animatronics ahead of me.

It was amazing. There was a bunny and a bear singing to the children on stage. The bunny held a guitar and the bear was the one singing. They were adorable and it actually brought a smile to my face to see kids get so happy over them.

I was still in a trance about Mr. Afton owning this place. He just seemed so off. I would never of expected him of all people to own a kid-friendly pizzeria, but I guess I shouldn't judge a book my it's cover.

As I wondered around the pizzeria I discovered they had a arcade. I had about thirty dollars in my pockets so I exchanged it for some coins and engaged in the games.

I was so interested in the game I was playing I didn't even realize how late it had gotten. As I reached for another coin in my cup I realized it was empty. I checked the time on my phone and it was way later than I had thought!

The time read, 7:06 PM. I didn't even realize the wave of children lessening behind me. I guess I just got too competitive with the game I was playing. Sighing, I sat up from the stool I had apparently been on for hours and walked out the front door.

To my surprise, I saw Michael. None of his friends or his father, just him. He was in one of Freddy's alleyways smoking. He was certainly stupid. If he doesn't want to be caught, why is he smoking on his fathers property?! I realized I was probably starting at the dumbass for too long when I saw him look up from his cigarette, and glare at me.

"Y'know, cigarettes are probably the nastiest thing you could smoke." I put my hands in my pockets.

"It's the only thing my father keeps at the house." He rolled his eyes, burning it out and coughing.

Sighing, I walked away. I thought that Michael was quite stupid but there was nothing I could do about that.

I must've not been looking where I was going because I had realized I had bumped into something or rather someone.

"Heya, Y/N! What are you doing out here this late?" I sighed in relief, realizing the figure was Payton and not some creep. Although...I could still feel Michael's eyes on my back.

"I was at Freddy's. Just wanted to see the hype." I shrugged.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." But then I realized the situation I was in. Why was he here in the dark?

"So, um...what brings you here this late?" I tried to hide my jitters as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Nothing really. I just felt like going for a walk." I knew Payton was my friend, but he was acting awfully suspicious. I didn't want to upset him though so I dropped the topic.

"Oh, ok. Did you stop by the skatepark at all today?" I asked, leaning against the brick wall. I took a quick glance behind me and I noticed Michael was still there, and staring. Hopefully he couldn't hear us from the distance.

"Nah. My skateboard got busted when I tried doing a 360." Payton chuckled, pointing to the scrapes on his legs.

"Damn. Are you going to get it fixed? I need a skating buddy."

"Hell yeah. The shop said it'll be as good as new in a few days."

"Alright, good. I was about to head back, so I'll see you around?" I dropped my hands.

"Sure thing. See ya later, Y/N." Payton waved to me before walking the other way. I turned back around to see if Michael was there, but he was gone. Interesting. At least, I have a peaceful path home now.

With a grin on my face, I marched the opposite direction of Payton and began walking home. Until I felt a familiar presence come up from behind me.

"What do you want, Michael?" I groaned, turning around to see a not-so-amused brat.

"You hang out with, Payton?" He spat out Payton's name like an insult.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Why?" I folded my arms around my chest.

"You seriously haven't heard the rumors? He's a drug dealer." Michael huffed. I was in disbelief. That kid was a saint!

"I don't have time for your pranks, Michael." I shoved him aside. "Now, excuse me before I get attacked by some real thugs."

"I warned you, Y/N."

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