Chapter 30: Actually Awake

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Happy New Year! I can't wait to get this year behind me it sucked omg.


The next time you awoke it wasn't as pleasant.

You could feel the tubes inside of you. There were feeding tubes, IV bags, needles, tubes down your throat, you struggled to breathe. Your heart rate picked up at the rude awakening.

"She's up again!" A nurse yelled, pressing some sort of code button which led to other doctors coming into your room. You struggled some more, in distress.

"Stay calm, please. We are going to remove the ventilator now."

It was the same nurse. Though, you didn't feel much better. It burned your throat. It felt like a knife had been shoved down it. How could you stay calm?

Suddenly, a hurdle of doctors gathered around your bed, mainly near your neck. You knew what was coming. The lady nurse held you down as someone reached for the throat tube. You could only groan.

It was excruciating. Like someone was ripping your lungs out right there. The nurse had trouble holding you down, she had to get someone else to assist her. You fought the two of them, your body rolling around and resisting the pain. But their grip was too strong.

Too strong.

Just like his.

The memories flooded back, and the pain was now deemed unimportant. Afton had done this to you. Hospitalized you, crippled you, nearly killed you. You should've done something to stop him. You shouldn't of never gone downstairs. That's why it all happened. That's why you're truly here.

"All done."

Stunned, you realized that the agonizing pain was no more. The doctors were busy, but they weren't swarming around you. You were fine. You weren't in danger anymore.

"We had to put tubes inside of you after you crashed. We thought we had lost you for a second there..." It was a higher upper speaking, either a surgeon or some sort of specialist in your case.

"Are you able to speak, Y/N?" The lady nurse asked you. You only recognized her from the last time. She was the only trustworthy one here right now.

"Y-yes." You winced at your own voice. It was scratchy and weak. What had happened to you?

"Good! It'll come back soon. It's normal to sound like this after being on the respirator."

She was happy. You didn't know why she was happy. Nothing about this situation was cheerful and joyous. You wanted to go home, not Micheal's home, your home. You wanted to go in your bed and cry. And be healthy again, be away from all of these people. You wanted to forget what happened to you.

"Can we send in a few visitors? Mr. Afton has been wanting to see you..." She smiled, her head turning to the door.

Your eyes widened and the monitor picked up instantly. You saw the rate go up to limits way beyond normal, even the nurse looked concerned. You started to shake in the bed, undergoing a panic attack. You refuse to see him. Not like this.

"Hey, hey! What's wrong? I can send him away if it's stressful for you. Stress will only regress your healing process." The nurse leaned forward, her eyes were filled with worry as she checked your vitals and injected something into your IV bag.

You nodded your head. You didn't want to see him. He was probably coming to finish his job! You had just barely survived his wrath, you didn't wake up just to deal with his shit again!

"Okay. I'll tell them you still aren't up to it."

You nodded once more and relaxed back into your bed. Your heart rate dropped from the abnormal speed and you felt a lot better.

The nurse walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. You didn't know if Afton was here in the hospital, or at his home calling the doctors. Hopefully, his house. And maybe when he hears this he'll back off and leave you alone for a while.

Although, you wondered who brought you to the hospital. In fact, you had many questions. William had definitely intended to murder you. So, who brought you here? Had he had a change of heart? If so, why?

Perhaps, Micheal had a role in this. You were curious about him too. You hadn't heard a word about him. Only William. You were getting sick of thinking about William.

At that exact moment, your hospital door burst open. It wasn't a nurse or a doctor. And you were a bit frightened it was Afton who had decided to rebel and murder the doctors. But, no, it wasn't William.

It was Micheal.

"Y/N! Why didn't you allow me to come inside?! I haven't seen you in weeks!" He yelled, slamming the door shut behind him. There was a nurse shouting from the outside, but I couldn't decipher what she was saying.

Micheal looked bad. His hair was messier than usual, his eyes looked baggy, and he looked very tired. An exhausted sort of tired. You wondered if he hadn't slept as much or at all since you last saw him.

"What?" You croaked. Your voice still out of shape.

"It was such a pain in the ass getting past those doctors! I'm going to get in so much trouble now! Why couldn't you just let me in?"

You digested everything happening, still in a daze from waking up not so long ago. "I thought you were A-Afton."

Micheal's anger was quickly washed away with surprise. You didn't know if it was because he didn't expect that answer, or it was from your raspy voice.

"Oh." He mumbled. "How are you feeling? It's been very tough at home without you."

"Just woke up." You muttered, your lungs getting stronger every sentence.

"So they haven't told you what happened?" Micheal questioned, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. You shook your head no in response. "Holy shit. I have a lot to explain."

"Tell me."

He looked at you, his face looked like one full of shame and guilt. You predicted you weren't going to like what he was about to say.

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