Chapter 13: He's Full of Surpises

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" father?"

"Yeah. I don't think I've met him before." Michael glanced at me with curiosity, and another emotion I could not read. I nearly shivered. I really didn't like discussing him and not with someone I didn't trust.

"He's just busy." I concluded, trying my best to erase all assumptions Michael made of him.

"My fathers busy too, and I see him around all the time." He raised a brow at me as he noticed how nervous I suddenly got. I didn't know what to do. I froze. How could Michael read someone so well? He definitely wasn't as stupid as he acted!

"We're all fine." I sneered, I just wanted to enjoy the scenery and discussing my father was ruining it.

"If you say so," Micheal sighed, "But when you want to open up, you can."


When you want to open up, you can.

Those words have been running through my mind the past few days. It was Monday now but I was still pondering it. Was Michael suggesting I could trust him? Befriend him? Somehow, his words were touching and I felt a little happiness upon hearing it. But why would he even say that? We had just barely became friends! Why were things already so complicated?!

Sighing, I walked into the cafeteria. As usual, Payton sat at my spot and looked at me. Obviously, he wanted me to sit next to him, but I never gave him the satisfaction. I planned on never befriending him again. No matter how lonely I got.

I sat down at a table further away from him. It also just so happened to be the opposite end of Michael's table, which I was glad for. I felt slightly awkward about our encounter from the other day and I didn't want to cause any tension. We had just become friends and I felt like he already knew too much. I had to detach myself before he learned more.

But as I chewed on my burger, I felt something poking my side. I looked around and saw some other guy sitting next to me.

He looked pretty nerdy. He had messy black hair, and thick glasses. His body shape was on the thinner side and he seemed small, but overall he wasn't very threatening. So I turned and gave him a reassuring look, trying to impose I wasn't mad.

"H-hey, can I sit here?" He mumbled. I nearly giggled at his nervousness. If only he knew how badly I was dying for a friend.

"Yes, you can. What's your name?" I smiled at him as he placed his tray beside me. He sat down with me and grinned as he bit into a piece of fruit from his fruit cup.

"It's Brian. What's yours?"

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you, Brian." I held my hand out for him to shake. He shook it frantically.

"You too! You seemed like you could use a friend, and I...needed one too." Brian sighed as he stopped his chewing. I was just glad someone noticed how lost I was. I was definitely grateful for this new friend of mine.

"Yeah, I can agree with you there. What class do you have next?"

With that, the two of us went into a full blown discussion. Whether it was about school or hobbies, or our past. Sure, we were opposites. I liked skating and he liked books, but I could care less. We were both desperate.

But my short happiness was cut off when Michael and his friends walked over. I could already tell they were up to no good when they all held smirks on their faces, except Micheal.

I was slightly annoyed that he didn't even try and stand up for me. I mean, we were getting close and he just lets his friends bully me! It was clear that was their intention as they flicked their food over at Brian and I.

"Oh no! They're going to punch me again!" Brian cowered in fear as he hid behind my shoulder. I shot him a questioning look, disbelief, really.

Punch? The worst I got was food being thrown or my property being stolen! Just what have they done to my nerdy friend?

"Hey twerps. Having fun?" Scotty snickered as he looked us up and down. I shot him a glare as Brian clutched onto me.

"What do you want?" I hissed, mainly at Micheal.

"We just want to join in on" There behavior was so strange. At first, they hated me. Then, they called me hot and nearly allowed me to hang out with them. Now, what are they trying to do?!

"Don't touch my friend." I spat out sternly. The group laughed at my poor attempt to stand up for my friend.

"Who says we want to hurt him?" Michael smirked. I raised a brow before they all sat down a the table with us. I was beyond bewildered.

"I-I, what?!"

"We got you good!" Vinny and the others broke into another fit of laughter. Brian slouched down but still remained on guard. Me, on the other hand, was still surprised they weren't trying to harm us. I think.

"Did you seriously think we were going to hurt you?" Fritz's laughter haulted.

"A friend of Micheal's is a friend of ours." Vinny concluded as he wrapped his arm around Michael, who groaned from the gesture. Brian looked at me with confusion because I had failed to mention my strange relationship with the fellow Afton.

" more torture?"

"C'mon. We weren't that bad!"

"Yes, yes you were."

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