Chapter 58: Bring Life

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"Why the hell would you suggest a horror attraction?!"

"I said it as a joke! I didn't know he'd take it seriously!"

You looked at Michael with irritation. Of course, it wasn't his fault. But now Henry is going to reopen Freddy's with William's corpse inside!

"Look, I know Afton is dead, but we still shouldn't be thinking about this! Let's just let him rot. I don't want something bad happening..."

Michael sighed and you saw him noticeably slow down. You knew he was smarter than this. You knew he knew how bad of an idea this was.

"I haven't seen Henry that happy in a long time." Michael looked down. "If this brings him happiness, I don't want to stop it."

You frowned. As much as Henry's happiness was important to you, the dangers of reopening Freddy's was the priority. You refused to see any more children hurt.

"He can find other things to do. Lives are at stake!"

Michael scoffed. "My father is dead! No one is going to get hurt anymore."

"You don't know that."

You both huffed and looked in opposite directions of each other. The rest of the car ride home was awkwardly silent. You and Michael just couldn't come to an agreement.

There was no one else at the house when the two of you got back. It felt somewhat strange that you could not hear voices of children.

Michael stood near the doorway. He seemed to be contemplating something.

You looked at him shortly before looking away. As much as you wanted to say something, you were very petty.

"I'll be back." Michael grabbed the doorknob handle, but you quickly interrupted.

"And where are you going?" You sneered.

"I am going to help Henry open the attraction."

You nearly froze at his words. In both fear and anger. Why couldn't he just listen to you? This was a terrible idea!

"You seriously believe that's a good idea?!" You looked at him, hoping for an answer, he had his back turned to you and was silent.

"I hope you're happy when the children start to go missing."

Michael clutched the doorknob, seemingly holding back. He released his hold and sighed. "I will be back soon."

With that, Michael opened the door and left, slamming it shut behind him. You rolled your eyes. He had his father's temper.

Your eyes widened.

You've always feared Michael would become like Afton. But you pushed it down because you loved him. But now, things are just piecing together.

You shook your head. He had been through so much, and seen so much. You were sure he had no evil intentions. He loved his siblings and family very much.

You looked at the door. You had no way of getting there, but the walk wasn't that bad anyway. It was a little less than a mile from the house. Maybe you could examine some things at the establishment...

You put on your jacket and ran out the door. You needed closure and proof this place was safe.


Thankfully, a window was cracked open and you were able to get through that. You didn't know why, but you didn't want Michael and Henry knowing you were here. You wanted to go undetected.

Perhaps it was because they would get in your way, or maybe tell you to go home. You weren't entirely sure but you were focused on finding it.

It. That spring lock suit had to be somewhere around here. Unless Henry had already found it, you had a a good chance of finding it yourself. Considering you were here not too long ago...

The memories started flooding back. You remember finding Chris''s horrible state. How his limbs were broken and detached from his body.

The blood flooded that damn room. Each of you were all on the brink of death. You stopped.

You rubbed your eyes and took a few deep breaths. You weren't there anymore. It was all in the past. You just had to realize that.

Dealing with trauma had come easier to you since you met the Afton's. You supposed you went through so much, you had no choice but to find a way to cope.

You walked into one of the empty rooms in the back. It was quite similar to the one Elizabeth and Chris were held in. You felt flashbacks coming again but you quickly left the room before it happened.

As you kept walking you came across something odd. It was a wall that was covered in different colors. You noticed the whiter wall was shaped like a doorway. It almost looked...

You nearly fell through as soon as you touched it. It was a fake wall! Eagerly, you tore at the wall until you were able to move it to the side and go through.

The room was big and dark. You could barely see anything inside, and anything in front of you. You grabbed your phone from your pockets and turned the flashlight on.

As you scanned the room, you saw something awfully familiar in the corner. As you noticed two, rotten, bunny ears peering at you, dread overcame as you hoped it wasn't what you thought.

Your phone nearly dropped as you walked over to the robot. Yes, it was the suit.

You backed up. You knew this was not the place you left Afton in. The suit had somehow moved or someone else moved it.

You felt chills. You were paranoid, constantly checking behind you for a surprise ambush. You were sure Afton died that day. Hell, you could see flesh inside the suit!

It smelled rotten in the room. The smell was starting to become overbearing.

His eyes were droopy and dim. If there were any life, it would've been obvious through the eyes. You felt a bit more assured as it hadn't moved since you found it.

"I can't let Michael and Henry find this..." you looked around, they were no where in site. You had to move the suit, but you didn't know how or where.

As the names slipped out of your mouth, the suit spazzed and began stuttering. You backed away as sparks flew.

The head tilted as the eyes lit up. You ran.

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now