Chapter 32: True Mystery

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You were still in the hospital, but you were getting better. The physical therapist was helping you recover with...walking. And, your respiratory system was getting more independent each day.

Micheal would visit whenever he could. Though, they were much more resilient to letting him in, especially after he had practically broke into your hospital room.

His visits were always strange. You found his behavior differing from the usual way he acted. He was quieter, less open about things. You could probably figure why, with you and his father still in the hospital, but it was still unexpected.

Speaking of Afton, he had apparently received substantial damage. Micheal really damaged his organs good, the doctors said he's definitely going to need a a few transplants if he wants to stay alive.

But, at the same time, he was a criminal. He wasn't going to be a priority on the donation list. There were other sick children dying. Why would he be more important than them? He wouldn't. So William was set to die soon. No one was sure how to feel about that.

From what you've heard, he hadn't gotten any visits from his kids. They all refused to see him after what he did to you. You appreciated their loyalty, but you felt a bit bad that they weren't going to say goodbye to their father, all because of you.

More self hatred swelled up in your gut. You had already felt ashamed enough with what happened with Afton, but his children's stubbornness made you feel even worse. You deeply wished you were able to see another therapist that wasn't for physical health.

There was a sudden knock at your door.

"Y/N L/N? This is the Hurricane Police Department. May we come in?"

Not the time! You didn't want to see these people, you didn't want to talk about it. You just wanted to lie here and recover, be left alone in your thoughts. These police officers were going to judge you. You just wanted to be alone.

"Yeah." You mumbled, defeated. The door swished open moments later with two adult, police officers walking inside.

Both of the officers were men, one had a unkept mustache and the other was bald. They both took the chairs that Micheal had placed in your room earlier, and pushed them a few feet away from your hospital bed. Taking a seat and grabbing a notepad. You squirmed uncomfortably under your blankets, fidgeting with your hands.

"We just want to ask you a few questions. Is that alright with you?" The hairy one asked, his eyes showing pity. You avoided eye contact, refusing to show weakness.


"Alright then. Can you tell us what happened on the night of the assault?"

Your nostrils flared. They were really getting right into this.

"Um, well, I had went into a forbidden room...William was angry at that. He stormed up into the room I was in and asked for my phone. When I refused, he grabbed me and forcefully took it." You shuttered, needing a moment to compose yourself. "I cussed at him for doing that. He got even more mad. After that, all I remember is him strangling me and throwing me onto Micheal's bed, before he knocked me unconscious."

Just talking about it made you feel so dirty. Hearing about the things he did to your unaware body, he was a monster. You couldn't even look near the officers after finishing the story. You were too disgusted.

"I understand how difficult this must be for you. Please, trust us, Mr. Afton is going to get what he deserves." It was a different voice speaking, presumably the bald one, whom you haven't heard from yet.

"What," You swallowed, "What is his condition?"

"Multiple organ failure. Surgeons refuse to prioritize him because of his crimes. They think it would be killing another kid to save a criminal." He sighed, before continuing, "However, a familiar donation or someone willing to donate an organ to him, could save his life."

You wrinkled your eyes. Did they want you to do that? Hilarious. You hoped they weren't hinting it, you would never even think of doing something like that. He was getting his karma, it was going to stay that way.

"Oh." You said, blankly.

"We only say this because a strange woman has been appearing in his room. There is no relation to the two either, from what we know. But she seems to take a liking to him."

Who could possibly like him? Clara? You were positive it wasn't her. And you didn't think Afton had any friends, he wasn't very social. But perhaps, your mother? No. She hadn't been in contact with him in months. So who?

"What's her name?"

"We don't know. We were hoping that maybe you did. She looks to be in her mid to late twenties, has blonde hair and green eyes. She never says anything to the staff. Only to Mr. Afton." The officers looked stunned. They clearly had no clue in the world. To be honest, you were clueless too. The traits didn't fit anyone you knew.

"I have no idea. I'm sorry. But please tell me if you find out. I would like to know myself."

He sighed, "We will. Hopefully, she doesn't plan on doing any sort of organ donation and we can let this case rest."

You nodded in agreement. This woman had better not mess up his fate. He was destined to get his karma, it was only fair. After what he did to you, he better rot in that damn hospital bed.

"We will be back later. Have a good recovery, Y/N." The two men sat up and nodded a you before heading for the door. You didn't bother to answer, you had a lot to think about.

And you had to research on who the hell that woman was...

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