Chapter 50: Running Out of Time

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Afton laid unconscious next to you. You quickly sat up and collected yourself. You didn't want to be anywhere near him if you didn't have to.

You could still hear Michael banging on the door.

You looked around for William's abuser. There was no one that could have possibly hit him. You, him, and Michael were the only ones around here. Did he just pass out?

You were doubtful. There had to be some reason Afton was unconscious. He would never go down that easily.

But you took the win and scrambled over to the door Michael was stuck behind.

"Y/N? What's happening?! Are you okay?"
Michael stopped pounding on the door as he had heard movement from the outside, your footsteps.

"Yes, I'm fine. But something really weird happened..." You looked over at William, who was still on the floor. "I'll get you out now."

You didn't know why this door had a lock on the outside. However, you knew it was definitely designed by William and he used it for bad intentions.

As you unlocked the door, Michael was fast to get out of the room. He looked severely distraught and panicked. You placed your hand on his back and led him out, trying to be supportive.

"Did you knock him out?" He noticed Afton's body on the floor. You rolled your eyes.

"No. He just fell on the floor. I have no idea what happened. He was really about to mess me up..."

You shook. The adrenaline was dying off and now you started to think about how Afton was on top of you. It disgusted you. You could barely look at his stilled body.

"We should tie him up or something."

"You think?"

Michael scoffed. He walked over to a table you hadn't noticed and started searching the draws for something to tie William with.

"Zip-ties will have to work." Michael pulled two zip-ties out and walked back over to Afton. "Can you help me? I need to tie him to something."

"What are you tying him to?" You walked over, overly cautious about what you two were doing. You had to make sure you got it right. You couldn't let Afton attack you guys, again.

"There's a pipe on the wall." He suggested, though it seemed like he had already made up his mind.

Shrugging, you helped Michael and dragged William's body over to the wall. Right where the really out-of-place pipe was. You and Michael sat him up and soon after tied his hands with the pipe.

"Someone should keep an eye on him." Michael stood above him. Your eyes widened. Was he saying to split up? That might've been worse than letting Afton roam free. There are so many bad things that could happen, simply because the two of you split up!

"What are you talking about?! That's a horrible idea!"

"Really? And what if he gets out again? He's just gonna come after us."

"So what's you being here going to do? You're not going to be able to stop him! He's dangerous. Besides, don't you wanna help me find Lizzy and Chris?!"

You tried to reason with Michael. His mind seemed set on staying with his father. You were angry. Didn't he want to find his siblings? What about them?

"I might be able to get some information out of him." Michael smirked. You grew more curious. "He's very vulnerable. If I threaten him, he might tell me where Elizabeth and Chris are."

You were still hesitant. "But what if that doesn't work? What if he doesn't tell you or he finds a way to escape? What if something happens to me?"

Michael sighed. He looked over at William, then back at you. Slowly intertwining his hand with yours. "If you really think it's a bad idea, we won't do it. But I really think he will tell me something."

Now, you simply didn't know what to do. Of course, you didn't want to go off on your own. But that was mainly the selfish part of you. You were really starting to believe Michael had this all planned out. Perhaps his idea was good. Even if it was a little risky.


"Okay? We'll do it?" He asked, smiling slightly.

"Yes...but be careful."

Smiling, Michael looked into your eyes and placed his hand on your cheek. Without warning, he kissed you quickly, yet softly. Closing his eyes to express his passion.

He pulled away, still keeping his eyes trained on you. "You too."

A bit speechless, and quite flustered, you gave Michael a smile and scrambled out of the room. Desperate to leave after how awkward you made it.

"Make sure the police don't see you!" Michael yelled, as you sped out out the room. You forgot about them. It almost gave you a heart attack. How long before they attempt to come in?

Your time here was limited. This place had to be completely surrounded by now. You hoped you could try and get out of this without jail time.

You tried shifting your focus back on Chris and Elizabeth. Ignoring Michael and his kisses, you had to keep yourself focused. Where could they be? Where could Afton have kept them?

You felt like they would've made some noise by now. Like signaling that they were here. You were skeptical that they were even inside the building. However, you were going to check every inch of this place anyway.

Hopefully Michael will be fine by the time you're done.

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin