Chapter 40: Goodbye to You

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A/N: y'all doing 🐣
Um, sorry about the long pause in the book. I was very occupied...

Also you should like my instagram post 🤑🤑 @_paige090_


"Well, you see—"

Michael interrupted Henry, "No! She's really naive. She has no idea where your house is."

"Then why am I packing my things?! There's no threat, you idiots!"

Your mother's voice shrilled through your ears. It reminded you why you left in the first place. Horrid memory came flooding back, specifically all the screaming matches your parents used to get into.

"She could find out at any moment, Mrs.
L/N. For everyone's safety, it would be best for you to leave." Henry, in a more soothing tone, assured your mother out of the house. You hoped she would listen.

"I have so many questions! Why are you all choosing my house in the first place?! Why aren't the police involved?! And why is your wife after you?"

No one said anything, "I don't want some criminal scum in my house while I'm gone! I don't want to be answering the police's questions!"

Hadn't you guys went over this?

"Please, Mrs. L/N, think about your child—"

"My child ran away from me! Why should I give a damn!?" Your mother had dropped her suitcase and was now pointing angrily at Henry. Michael was standing on guard.

Not being able to take her incessant screams anymore, you finally stepped in.

"You drove me away!" Your mom turned towards you, stunned. "I only ran away because you were so abusive and neglectful to me!"

She looked...appalled. Her face was indescribable, part of you enjoyed seeing her realize her actions. Though, you wished she would finally apologize or give you some sort of explanation. That part upset you.

"So...hearing that, don't you think it's only fair we receive this house?" Henry jumps in, his timing horribly off.

Michael stared at you, however you kept your head straight. You didn't want to cry or breakdown right now. Your mother couldn't see you so weak like that. She doesn't deserve to.

"I still don't trust you guys." She muttered, folding her arms and looking off onto the floor.

"You don't have to. We just need you to get out." Michael frowned.

Your mom pushed her hair back and groaned. "Fine. But I will be calling to check in and make sure there are no property damages."

"Great. Now, please take your things and go. We have a long day ahead of us." Henry shooed your mother away, it made you smirk a little.

Hesitantly, she picked her bags back up and dragged her suitcase towards the door. Not looking back at anyone or anything. It wasn't until she reached the door that she finally turned around and gave everyone one finally glance.


Your heart skipped a beat.


"Tell William I said hello."

In pure disbelief and disappointment, you groaned as she chuckled in a flirtatious way and winked at Henry. The baffled man leaned backwards as she pushed the door open and waved to everyone, cheerfully, before shutting it on her behind.

"Wait...did she know?" Michael widened his eyes and turned to you. You couldn't answer the question either.

"I don't know. She could just be saying that because of associations with you being his son and all. But maybe..." You drifted off, her behavior deeply perturbing you. If she knew it was William, why didn't she stay? Perhaps she was changing? You doubted it.

"Well, we should get the kids out of the car then." Henry yawned, making his way out of the door. You would catch up with him in a moment.

"Are you okay after that?"

"Yeah, I'm more confused than anything else."

Michael snickered, "Me too. Everything has been so confusing for the past few months."

"I know right! Your town is cursed or something." You joked, wanting to lighten the mood after all of the drama that went on today.

"Yeah, maybe. Or maybe it's just my family." Michael laughed a little. Though his tone was more depressing than usual. You figured he wasn't really joking.

"Hey, Elizabeth and Chris are adorable kids. You have a great family, Michael." You tried to make him feel better but your words only seemed to upset him more.

"My family is terrible! My father raped you! And he tried to kill all of us!"

You cringed at the reminder. You still had nightmares and shook at the thought of his grimy hands on your body.

"That doesn't mean your whole family is full of bad people. It just means you're related to someone who's bad." You explained, "Evilness isn't genetic, Michael."

"Psychopathy is." He mumbled.

"I don't think anyone in your family is a psychopath." He looked at you, unamused. "Besides your father."

"Besides, the only thing that connects you guys is blood. Real family isn't like that." You smiled, having trouble containing your laughter. You were not used to teaching others the meaning of family.

"And you know what real family is?" He quirked a brow, looking more amused.

"Are you really going to make me say it?"


You hated how he was egging you on like this. You never liked sharing your feelings to other people. It created vulnerability. You didn't want to look vulnerable in front of others. It's weakness.

You stared at him for a little longer, hoping Henry would come in with the kids or something. What was taking them so long anyway? You could use that as an excuse. Something might of happened to them.

"One minute." You stood up and walked towards the door. Michael watched you go, not uttering another word.

With your palms all sweaty and your arms shaking, you hastily opened the door. They were still unloaded their bags from the trunk. And they didn't even look halfway done.

You came up with a quick excuse, "They look like they need help. I'm going to help them."

You didn't wait for a response cause you were already out of the door, still sweating.

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang