Finding Rose

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Bella- "You guys need to come now."

Dad- "What, why?"

Bella- "Rose is gone, mom kidnapped her."

Dad- "I'm on the next flight home."

Mom- "Hunny, we can't just leave. They know who did it so, we can just stay here."

Dad- "I don't care that they know who did it, okay? She is my daughter."

Mom- "Whatever."

Bella- "Look your not my real mom so stop being a bi-(gco)"

Dad-*Starts speaking in spanish cause mom don't understand it.* "Ni siquiera preocuparse por ella, yo la estoy divorciando pronto , ¿de acuerdo ? Entonces va a ser yo , tú y Rose. Me va a ser un padre soltero y estoy a estar allí todo el tiempo , no más de largo los viajes de trabajo."

Bella- "Está bien, papá. Prometes? Usted realmente va a salir de ella?"

Dad- "Sí, Bella."

Bella- "bien, Te quiero."

Dad- "Te amo, también."

Then the line went dead.

I know Prince understood it all and told the others what we were saying. Then I got a phone call from an unknown number. I automatically thought of Rose.

Bella- "Hello?"

???- "Hey, Isa."

Bella-*sighs in relief* "Hey, momma. Where are you and where is Rose?"

Everyone-*Listening cause the phone is on speaker phone* 

Momma- "I am so sorry, Isa. I told you I would come back. I would have got you to but I wasn't sure if your dad had raised you to hate me."

Bella- "He never tried, and even if he did, it would't work, your my mom. I need you."

Momma- "I am so glad you feel that way, get a pen and paper."

Bella- *Does as told* "Okay."

Momma- "The address is 3231 Sweatmedows, Los Angles."

Bella- "That's not to far from here but I have to pack so I will be there in an hour and can I bring Prince, Roc, Ray and Prod?"

Momma- "Are the nice?"

Bella- "Yes, they are very close to me and Rose."

Momma- "Then they can come."

Bella- "Thanks, momma, I love you see you in an hour."

Momma- "I love you too."

Then the line went dead. Me and my mom say that goodbye is forever so we never say it.

I went to pack. "Are we gonna call the cops about this or not?" Prince asked. "No." I replied still packing. He was sitting on my bed. "What? Why not?" He asked shocked and confused cause I said no. "Cause, my mom is smart, those weren't real cops. My mom must have bugged my phone and technically she didn't kidnap Rose. My 'dad' isn't my real dad he just took us from our mom. And never let her near us or see us or talk to us. HE kidnapped us, my mom couldn't do shit about it even if she tried, he always threatened her, he doesn't I know but I heard him and I saw his messages to my mom. Trust me, we need to go with my mom." I explained still packing, putting emphasizes on 'he'. He thought for a few minutes. "I will go with you and so will the guys but then you have got some serious explaining to do, missy." He agreed. I smiled at him. He smiled back. "Help me pack, please." I said sweetly. "UGH" He groaned. I laughed then we packed up all my clothes, shoes, jewelry, make up, bathroom stuff, underwear, bras, hats, purses. Then we started on Rose's stuff. We eventually packed all her stuff. Roc, Prod and Ray went to get their cars and Prince had his and I had mine, so we could put all the boxes in them. Me and Prince packed while they went to get the cars, they took a taxi to their house, and by the time they all pulled up, we were done packing. We filled my car all the way up with boxes and the same thing with Prince's, Roc's, Prod's and Ray's. Then we pulled and they followed me to my mom's house. It was only like a five minute drive.

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