Baby Shower

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I'm now 6 months pregnant. We have been back to see my mom. Everything is going great so far.

"Jacob, when is everyone gonna be here again?" I asked. He thought for a minute. "At two so, in thirty minutes." He answered. I got up and waddled to my closet. Yes, I waddle.

I put on my maternity sundress with flip flop sandals (in the media. Let me know if you can see it.) Jacob was wearing a white wife beater and black basketball shorts cause after the baby shower, him and the guys are gonna play basketball. He had in that pony tail thing that he does.

"Babe, they are having the food, right?" I asked. Jacob nods and says "Yes, love. Calm down. You gotta relax some. We got this." He started rubbing my back. I sighed. "Mmm, okay." I said as he continued rubbing my back. It feels good. "You relaxed yet, mami?" Jacob asked. "Yeah, thank you." I said, turning around and pecking his lips.

"Jacob, will you help me with my shoes? I can't see past my stomach and I can't bend that far." I whined. Jacob chuckled and helped me with my shoes. "Thank you." I said. He kissed me. "You're welcome."

The doorbell rang and Jacob and me went to get it. As soon as we opened it, the twins and Prehia ran up to Rose's room. I hugged everyone. "Hey, sis." Chresanto said, after we hugged. "Hey, how are you?" I asked. He shrugged. "Same as yesterday, and the day before and the day before." He answered. We all hang out everyday. All day. I laughed and everyone came.

Everyone was there within 10 minutes. "Olay, so, we are gonna start with lunch." Zo announced. We all walked in the kitchen and made plates. We sat at the dinning table and said grace before eating. "So, are y'all excited for the baby?" Loni askes. "Yeah. I'm excited for him to be here. I'm excited for him to be out of me. I didn't think a person could pee so much." I said. Everyone laughed.

"Okay, so now, we are all going to the living room. The catch is, we got these fake babies. You have to get it ready in under five minutes. First person to win gets $40. It has to be ready the correct way. When you finish just yell done." Ally says.

We started and Ray won first out of the boys and Zo won out of the girls. Not a surprise though. Me and Jacob were second. Ally and Chresanto third. Craig and Loni fourth. My cousins didn't finish at all. Jacob's sister finished at exactly five minutes and Jacob's mom didn't participate cause she said she was a professional.

We did presents after that. There were lots of clothes and stuff for the baby. Toys, a swing, crib, playpen, bassinet, bottles, bottle brushes, pacifiers and more. There were some pregnancy clothes for me and clothes for after I have the baby.

After the party, everyone left. "Babe, you're sure everything is set? Maybe I should stay here." Jacob said. I laughed and kissed him. "I'm fine. Rose is fine. JJ is fine. Go play basketball, have fun. If anything comes up, we'll call you. I have the girls remember?" I asked. Jacob sighs and nods before kissing me. "Okay but if anything comes up, at all, call me. If he kicks, if Rose kicks, if you kick." He said, joking on the last part. I laughed. "Okay baby. I promise. Now go." I said. Jacob kissed me one last time. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. Be careful." I told him.

After they left, we got the kids and went to the mall. I just kept on my outfit from the baby shower. We took the mini van. There was enough room. Me and Zo sat up front, Loni and Ally in the second row and the three kids in the third row. "Alright, is everyone in here?" I asked. We looked and made sure everyone was. Then we went to the mall.

We went to get stuff from Forever 21 first. Then a maternity clothes place. Then went to Kids R Us for the kids. They now have about a million more toys.

Sorry that it is short and boring. There will be a better, interesting one tomorrow. I was really busy today. Anyway, does anyone still read this? Comment, vote let me know. I will post again tomorrow. Once again, sorry it was boring, I promise an interesting one tomorrow.

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