Uhh.... (This is a chapter, I just can't think of a name.)

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Kay lemme say something right quick. Wattpad is messing me up. It keeps getting my chapters out of order. It's supposed to be Tour?, First Day Of School and then On Tour. I don't know if it is that way when y'all see it or not but mine is messed up. If you haven't read any of the chapters I just said, please read them before you read this because it has very very important stuff in them. On to the story then. Wait, before you read, in the last chapter I asked about cast calls. I need y'all to comment/inbox me if you wanna be in the story. I will tell y'all what I need:


Age(If you don't wanna use your real age, you can just tell me the age you want)



Favorite Singer/Band

And finally, the parts.

-Chresanto's ex (Not crazy, unless you wanna be)

-Rose and Prehia's new friend

-Jacob and Bella's new step daughter(You'll find out, I will also need a middle name)

-Jacob's sister

-Craig's sister

-Ray's best friend(Other than the boys)

Whatever parts no one wants, will NOT be in the story. Comment/inbox me if you want a part. On to the story. And PLEASE vote/comment. I wanna know if y'all like this or not.

*Bella's POV*

The only person that I have really been talking to is Santo. Everyone else has been busy. Even the girls. Santo was letting me help with all the stuff he does. "So, has you or Jacob confirmed or denied any of the rumors yet?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, not yet. I don't want it to be true either." I said, mumbling the last part. I keep hoping maybe it was someone who looked exactly like Jacob and we all saw wrong. I doubt it will happen. "What did you say?" Santo asked. I looked up at him. "No, not yet." I answered. He raised an eyebrow. I think he heard what I said cause he just went back to what he was doing. Which was working on the dance. I was supposed to be making sure he don't mess up.

"Bella, can we talk?" Jacob asked. That was the first thing he has said to me in two days. He's just stayed in bed all upset. I shrug. "We just did." I said. He chuckled. "Sarcastic. For real though." He said. I shrug then nod. May as well.

"What exactly happened the other night? I remember dancing and that's it. The next morning I woke up and you told me we broke up." He said. I explained everything to him and he broke down again. Which made me cry.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I know your not gonna forgive me right away. But do you think you ever could?" He asked. I shrugged. "You hurt me Jacob. Again. We have a family, man. What about the kids? What are they gonna? I thought we had a future." I said. He nods. "We do have a future. Please, give me another chance, baby. I love you." He pleads. I thought for a minute. "Actions speak louder than words, Jacob." I said before walking back in the practice room. We were in the practice room, which was a living room in a hotel with a really big mirror.

"What did he need?" Santo asked. I shrugged and told him what happened. "oh." Was all he said before turning the music back on. After he finished the dance I clapped. It was only me in there. Everyone else was out. Ray and Zo were on a date. Ally was with Loni and Craig was with Jacob.

"Santo, Imma go get some ice cream." I informed him. He got up and put on his shoes. "Then I am coming with you." He told me. I laughed and we walked out the door. Of course, there had to be the paparazzi. "Bella, did Jacob really cheat?" "How are the kids?" "Can you tell us what's going on?" "Answer some questions and we will leave you alone." "Yeah, answer the questions." I heard. I flipped them off and kept walking with Santo. Good thing we wore our sunglasses.

"I can't believe you flipped them off." Santo laughed. I shrugged. "Well, if they weren't so rude, I would not have done it." I said. Then we were both laughing. We went up to the cashier and Santo said "Two large vanilla's." She gave us the ice cream and we paid then left. Half through eating, my phone rang. I answered it without checking the caller id.

Me- "Hello?"

???- "Hey, it's Jacob."

Me- "Oh, hey."

???- "I need you to meet me at this address in 3 hours. Get a pen."

Me- *thinks for a minute then grabs a pen.* "Okay."

Jacob- *Gives her the address*

Me- "Okay. Santo is coming with me though."

Jacob- "That's fine."

Me- "Kay, was that all?"

Jacob- "Yeah."

Me- "See you in three hours then."

Jacob- "Okay, I love you."

I just hung up, I do love him. But I ain't saying it right now. "Santo, we have to meet Jacob at this address." I said, handing him the paper with the address. Only, he didn't take it. He said, "I know, we gotta leave in an hour so, get ready. Wear something nice." I was a little surprised, but, I went and got ready.

I wore gold hoop earrings, a gold necklace, a red dress that went to my knees with red pumps that had  gold spikes going down the heel and above the heel. Then red lip stick and I tied a red bandanna around my head like a head band. Red is my favorite color right now, if you can't tell. "Bella, let's go!" Santo yelled from the living room. I put on a ring that said "Love" and walked out into the living room. Then we left.

*Jacob's POV*

Don't even say anything. I know I screwed up. I honestly don't remember kissing anyone. I just remember dancing with my baby then the next morning, she told me we had broke up. I begged and begged and nothing worked. There is only one way to prove I love her. Because after all actions do speak louder than words.

What is Jacob gonna do? What do you think about this chapter? Sorry, if it sucks... just figured I should update real quick while I have time. Anyway, like I said, wattpad is messing me up. So, the order above is the correct order. And Cast Calls, if you want to be in the story, comment or inbox me. Preferably, comment. Remember, vote/comment.

Last thing, check out my cousin's short story. It is about ways to survive in a horror story. It's basically a bunch of smart- wait, lemme rephrase this. It is a bunch of sarcastic remarks on dumb thing the people in horror movies do. It's funny. Check it out if you want too. Her name is CompletelyInsane15 

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