Chapter VII. Dragon's Harp

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I walk into the passage for the first time, and I put my hand on my belly protectively to feel safe. Daeron gave me a map of secret tunnels. The Red Keep and Aegon's High Hill have a network of secret passages and tunnels.

King Maegor I Targaryen had them built to enable him to make a quick escape should his enemies ever trap him. The tunnels are supposedly full of traps. Some tunnels are of stone, while others are earth-supported by timbers.

Some of them are so small that a grown man must crawl through them. Some pass close to other rooms in the Red Keep, allowing a hidden person to eavesdrop on conversations.

The bedchamber used by Lord Varys contains a mechanism that causes his stone slab of a bed to float up and reveal a hidden staircase. One secret passage leads from the bedchamber of the Tower of the Hand to the chamber of the dragon mosaic below.

There is also a secret way to get out of the Red Keep onto the cliffs facing the sea. Narrow handholds, impossible to see from the ground, have been cut into the rock so one may climb down to a trail beside the Blackwater Rush.

Another passage out of the Red Keep leads to a sewer that empties into the river. Maegor's Holdfast is the only Red Keep building with no secret passages, as Maegor "wanted no rats in his own walls", except for one escape door that does not connect to any other passage in the Red Keep.

People familiar with the secret passages include Maegor, Cheese, Prince Daemon, Lord Larys Strong, Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daeron, Lord Varys and his little birds, and Lord Petyr Baelish. And now me.

The passages are so dark only light from my torch, Daeron leaving to Driftmark but he asked to see me. I look up at the stairs leading up and look at the map, I arrive at the basement where the old dungeons and dragons' bones are.

Daeron smiles "You came in time"

I sigh looking around "What do you want in the middle of the night, Daeron?"

Daeron approaches me "I am leaving, you have a chance to leave with me"

I stare at him "With your wife and daughter to run away from my husband"

"You do not love him, we love each other and___"

I stop him "And what?? betray our partners?!! the people we gave oath we will honor them"

Daeron sighs "Lyanna, I asked your father before and he refused__"

I shout "You feeling guilty?!!"

Daeron snaps "I am here because I love you" I wince in pain putting my hand on my belly, Daeron stares at me "You are with child"

I take a deep breath "You are being emotional" I look around "It is understandable but unnecessary" Daeron looks down "Stay unemotional"

Daeron nods "Lyanna__"

"You told me that before remember"

Flashback, In the middle of the night, I sneak into Daeron's room. I close the door quite behind me. Daeron hugs me from behind "I got you"

I giggle "Tomas"

Daeron turns me around and puts his arms around me "Look who came late"

I smile "I have to make sure Father goes to sleep because he may behead us"

Daeron chuckles "Well" I sit on the bed "What happened this morning?"

I sigh "I asked Father to travel to King's Landing and he refused and I do not even know why he did, he always let me go to the old town with you"

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