Chapter XII. The Dragon And The Wolf

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Lyanna POV

In Dragonstone, Jon's chamber. I sit with Jon and Laela trying to think together. Jon says "Okay she is right the boy must be with his father in King's Landing"

Laela says "Really?"

Jon says "And at the same time he must be with you" I lean on my hand exhausted "We do not want for the boy the same fate we have knowing our father and our mother not and do not forget he is a bastard Daeron did not claim him so in front of everyone he is just Rhaegar Blackfyre son of Daeron Targaryen"

I say "So what I give him my son and he lives away from me"

Laela says "Of course not it's not a solution growing up without you the same us knowing Larissa Velaryon his mother, no"

I smile "I am going to scream" Jon nods and I stand scream and jump.

Jon asks "Feeling better?"

I sit again "Much much better"

"There must be something "

Laela says "I told her to marry Daeron"

"Wow, wow, continue in confusing and ruin your life"

I say "Can I take Rhaegar and sail away to free cities or summer isles"

"If the opposite happens and he takes Rhaegar will you be happy"

I sigh "No"


The painted table chamber. I, Daeron, Aeryn and Daemion sit around the table. Maelys walks around the table "If the Velaryon takes their allies away, we should pray to the gods to find another navy army"

I stare at the same "So I should accept Rhea's offer and give her my son on a golden plate"

Maelys says "As old bastard in this is family we are welcoming your son to the family"

I give him a look "Seriously"

Daeron says "Larissa is a good woman she will not accept this, I know her"

Aeryn says "We know Larissa but I know Rhea much more, she will not stop, she must put someone on the throne from her line"

We stayed in silence thinking.

Daemio's voice breaks the silence "Marry Daeron in Valyrian traditional"

Aeryn says "Her uncle, what? no"

I and Daeron say "We have a son together"

Daemion says "What about Rhaella our sister" They share glances.

I ask "What about Valyrian Traditional"

Maelys says "He will take you as a second wife without breaking any allies or loses with Velaryon"

"I want to stay where Jon will be, I do not want to separate again from my twin brother"

Aeryn says "Jon belongs to King's Landing, we are all family"

"We are wolves, we were raised to be part of the pack, we belong to the pack, not Winterfell or King's Landing"

Daeron nods "Lyanna is right"

Daemion says "You have another solution but if you did it, we never heard from you"

Aeryn says "After everyone knows your and Jon's truth both of you must betrothal to houses to make allies"

I say "Well, I need to be married to the man who commands King's army"


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