Chapter XV. Woods Lady

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Lyanna POV

In Winterfell's courtyard, I fire an arrow at the head of the training doll. my head is busy, what I did last night was normal or not? I slept with Jaime, I was drunk. 

I sigh and fire another arrow at the chest. I have a lot of things, I had a boy to raise and after Daeron's death, I have no position now.

Rhaegar is refusing me, all I do is nurse him and he goes to Laela or Daella to play or cry and wants Daeron. That is not his fault, I am the one who did not give him enough love, I give him to Daeron all day. I am scared to death to approach him. I love Rhaegar more than anything, he is my son but I lost Jon and Jason, and I can not.

Jaime walks towards me "You sneak out the bed like a thief"

I turn to him "I just wanted to clear my mind"

Jaime sits "Because we shared a bed"

I sit next to him "Everything"

Jaime nods "Daeron talked to me, the day before the battle, he asked me to take you to Castelry Rock" I stare at him "without asking you but you are not an object, Do you want to leave with me?" 

I laugh hard "Oh" 

Jaime turns his attention to me and stands "Lyanna"

"I became a widow but for the second time" I laugh with tears and put my hand on my stomach "Theon dead defended Winterfell whom he attacked and died before my eyes" I sit "Rhaegar is an orphan, Daeron is dead"

Jaime looks around "Lyanna, that's not funny" 

My laughter turns to crying "Yes, that's not funny, I have been suffering for nine years" I weep "Daeron is dead, I can not raise Rhaegar alone with the Targaryen" Tears fall heavily "Daeron is dead"

Jaime hugs me "Shsh shsh, it is okay"

I hug him tightly "I waited these four days in the hope he would wake up like me and Jon but he did not, I just want him back for his son" Jaime wipes my hair and I continue crying in his arms.

Donnel Swann approaches us "Your Grace, Ser Jaime"

Jaime nods "Ser Donnel"

I wipe my tears and turn my attention to him "Yes"

Donnel says "News from King's landing" Jaime and I share a look "Queen Cersei Lannister gave birth to her heir Prince Tywin Lannister"

I stand "I beg your pardon" What about the magic blood I did, I am sure she miscarried.

"That the announcement arrived today with the ravens"

Jaime still sitting "You can go, Ser" Jaime sighs and moves his hand through his hair "Good time, good time like always"

I stare at Jaime. How does that happen?


Narrator POV

In Godswood, Myrcella sits under the tree and holds a book reading. Viserys joins her by sitting next to her "How did you accept your brothers' death?"

Myrcella turns to him "You did not accept it, Viserys. you will weep and cry and it eats you every day. I lost five siblings and three of them did not see, Joffrey was not a good brother but it hurts and Tommen's suicide before my eyes so every time I close my eyes I see that."

Viserys gives her a look "I feel my question is looks ridiculous to your pain"

Myrcella chuckles "No, no, I want you to know, you will not accept it but you will move on"

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