Chapter XV. Head: III. Clap Your Hands If You Believe...

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Narrator POV 

In the painted table chamber Tyrion enters, stopping at the threshold "Your Grace?"

Daenerys does not reply. Tyrion walks cautiously to Daenerys, who stands, looking out at the shoreline "There's something you need to know."

Daenerys says "Someone has betrayed me."

Surprised, Tyrion does not answer right away "Yes."

Daenerys says "Jon Snow."

Tyrion says "Varys."

Daenerys says "He knows the truth about Jon."

Tyrion says "He does."

"Because you told him. You learned from Sansa. And she learned from Jon, though I begged him not to tell her. As I said, he betrayed me."

"I'm glad Sansa told me. I am your Hand. I need to be aware of any threats you're facing."

"And Varys?"

"Your Master of Whisperers needs to be aware too."

Daenerys angrily "You spoke to him first. Without coming to me. Without asking my permission."

Tyrion says "It was a mistake."

Daenerys wonders "Why do you think Sansa told you? What do you think she hoped to gain?"

Tyrion says "She trusts me."

"Yes, she trusts you. She trusted you to spread secrets that could destroy your own queen. And you did not let her down."

"If I have failed you, my queen, forgive me. Our intentions were good. We wanted what you want. A better world, all of us. Varys as much as anyone" she does not reply "But it doesn't matter now"

Daenerys says "No. It doesn't matter now" Tyrion takes a measure of Daenerys. She returns to her view of the landscape "Jon will be the King"

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Lyanna POV

In Alicia's chamber, I walk in where Alicia and Aemon waiting for me followed by Ser Donnel Swann. I shrug "Aelor is not to be found within the castle walls, Alicia"

Alicia looks between me and Aemon "Where did he go then?"

Aemon shrug "I told you since the funeral he disappears, I asked Daenora and she knows nothing"

I turn to Donnel "I trust again to you, Ser Donnel, and to your loyalty."

Alicia stands "Aelor must be found, and he must be brought to me."

I nod "The very fate of the Seven Kingdoms depends on it."

Donnel nods "Everything you feel for me... as your Queen. I will not fail you."

Aemon stands "I'll come with you."

Alicia turns to her son "That would not be my desire, Aemon. If anything has happened___"

Aemon walks past her "Swann needs me, Mother. I am the only one who knows Aelor's doings."

Alicia and I share a look "I guess, I should see your son myself" I follow them.

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In Dragonstone town, Jon, Donnel and I walk to the street wearing our clocks to follow Aemon who talking "Aelor brought me here on my thirteenth name day" Jon and I share a look "It was his duty as my brother, he said, to ensure I was as educated as he was. At least that's what I understood him to mean."

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