Chapter III. The Truth

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Sexual content.


Daenerys and Maelys Blackfyre army are camped outside the walls of Winterfell and wagons and horses enter the front gate.

I run upstairs and follow Daeron we get into his room and I close the door behind us "Do not act like children, Daeron"

Daeron put Rhaegar on his bed "Act like children" he turns to me "I am sorry I just realize I am married to psychopathic killer S.G." smile "So forgive me that I am acting like children" he pauses "Oh wait you love Jaime, yeah, forgive me, your grace"

I take a deep breath "Stop mocking me"

"I am not"

I look at him angrily and take a pillow and throw it on him before I leave him alone. Daeron tasks the pillow and throws it on me. I approach him "You throw the pillow at me"

Daeron approaches me "You throw it first" 

"Daeron, you are supposed to be on my side you are my husband"

"As your husband, I must know you were after killing all these people"

I sigh "No, you do not have to"

"Lyanna, Lyanna, its me... Tomas, forget that I am Daeron."

I grunt "I know who you are. If I told you that S.G. is me" I shakily "What will you do? You stopped me, didn't you? I lived for six years and the only one who caught me was Robb, Robb did not put me in the cellar with Jaime cause I betrayed him. he did this to stop me from killing"

"You had shit all. If I knew I would be by your side, I saved your life more than once!" 

"And I saved yours! You would put the dagger in your heart after you murdered me with cold blood" Daeron looks at me "Look at the havoc around us in our life"

"No more havoc than you. Killing around like a psychopathic. How can you be so sure no one will be caught you one day?"

"No one will catch me, I will be in a safe place"

Daeron argues "Trap yourself, When did you last feel happy when you felt trapped? And if you did, you could've lived in a shit town! Not safe and alone"

I cross my arms to my chest "It is not a shit town, and I will be safe cause I alone. it will be fine cause you will not be here"

Daeron tries not to smile remembering our old fights it was the same, shout and I hit him with nothing until we figure out how to fix it, for the first time Daeron feels that everything will be as it was "I will find you"

I mock him "Yeah it will be fine till you came along" I shout "I had a plan!"

Daeron chuckles "And that was going swimmingly!"

"It was. Like a drowning fish" 

Daeron stares into my eyes with a small smile and I stare at him and we kiss crushing each other lips.

Daeron stares into my eyes with a small smile and I stare at him and we kiss crushing each other lips

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