Chapter VII. Dragonstone

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Narrator POV

In King's Landing, Blackwater bay. Ships bearing the Kraken sigil of House Greyjoy are sailing into port. Cersei and Jaime watch the boats from the shore, escorted by Gregane and several other guards.

Jaime wonders "The Greyjoys? You invited the Greyjoys to King's Landing?"

Cersei says "Not all of them."

"Well, it looks like all of them."

"I invited Euron Greyjoy, the new King of the Iron Islands. You said yourself we needed stronger, better allies. There you are."

"How are they better allies? How are they different from the Freys? They both broke their promises and murdered their former friends as soon as it suited them."

"So does everyone when it suits them. Unlike the Freys, they have ships. And they're good at killing."

"They're not good at anything. I know the Ironborn. They're bitter, angry little people. All they know how to do is steal things they can't build or grow themselves."

"Euron Greyjoy didn't come here for that."

"Oh, what did he come here for, then?"

"A queen." Cersei exits, followed by Gregoe and the guards.


Lyanna POV

In Winterfell, In the restroom, I throw up. Daeron walks inside and I sit on the floor. Daeron kneels and wipes my hair "Are you okay?"

I push his hand "I catch the flu"

Daeron puts his hand on my forehead "You have a little fever" I widen my eyes pushing him and throwing up again "Now I will get the maester"

I shake my head "No, I will" I felt dizzy "Oh"

Daeron catches me "I get you"

"I am fine"

"You look like the dead" I give him a look "You died before but you look like them now"

"I__" I throw up again "I need poppy milk really bad"

Daeron lifts my hair up "You got that" I throw up again "It's okay"


Narrator POV

In King's Landing, the Red Keep, the throne room. Cersei sits on the Iron Throne, flanked by Jaime and Gregor. The guards line the hall.

Euron Greyjoy stands at the foot of the throne "The moment I was chosen Lord of the Iron Islands, they turned on me. Their own uncle. They stole my best ships and ran. Sailed the right across the world and gave them to the Dragon Queen so she could bring her armies here to attack you" Euron points at Cersei "It's nothing compares to the treason you suffered at the hands of a family members, from what I hear. But still, it bothers me. Murdering them would make me feel a lot better. And since it appears that all our treasonous family members are fighting for the same side, I thought we rightful monarchs could murder them together." Euron starts walking up towards the throne. 

Gregor takes a step towards him. Euron stops walking and looks up at him.

Jaime says "You're not a rightful monarch, though, are you?" Euron smiles and walks backwards off the steps. Gregor returns to his previous position "The Greyjoys rebelled agains the throne for the right to be monarchs, but as I recall, you were soundly defeated. Come to mention it, weren't you the one who started that rebellion by sailing to Casterly Rock and burning the Lannister fleet? You certainly caught us there. Very smart move on your part. Of course, we all made it to the Iron Islands anyway. I was there."

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