Chapter VII. A Man Without Honor

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In the dungeons, The soldier pushes me to Jamie's dungeon and I fell next to Jaime who was sleeping while sitting  "Son of__" The soldier leaves.

Jaime open his eye laughing "I guess our plan work as we need"

I hit him "Don't laugh"

Jaime laughs more "He put you in pen"

I hit him again and laugh leaning on him "Is that marriage means"

Jaime nods "Yes, In happiness and sadness" I look at him smiling "Next move Harrenhal"

I hit him and he laughs "You want to see my head at stake because I take Tarth and they put me in pen with you, imagine this huge place"

"Think of a plan with me"

I sigh "Are going to take all Westeros?"

"Think of a plan and I will think about how to get out of here"


Narrator POV

The Stark war camp is quiet. Ser Alton Lannister reports to King Robb while Lady Bernia, Lord Rickard Karstark, Lord Roose Bolton, and other councilors look on. Robb asks "And what did she say?"

Alton says "She admired your spirit, Your Grace."

"And what then?

"She, uh..."

"If every man were held accountable for the actions of every distant relative, Ser Alton, we'd all hang."

"She tore the paper in half, Your Grace."

Bernia tries not to smile cause she knows Cersei's attitude.

"You've acted with honor. I thank you for it. Lord Karstark, see that Ser Alton's pen is clean, and give him a hot supper."

Rickard Karstark says "Ser Alton's pen is occupied, Your Grace. The prisoners from the Yellow Fork."

Bernia says "Too many prisoners."

Robb asks "Is there room for Ser Alton?"

Rickard Karstark asks "Does he need to lie down?" Alton looks at Bernia for help, she shakes her head

"Have the men build him a new pen. Put him in with the Kingslayer for now. Have your boy watch over them."

"Torrhen." Torrhen moves forward to take charge of his newly-assigned ward.

"That will be all." 

Torrhen grabs Alton's shoulder and leads him out of the tent, followed by Rickard Karstark and the other councilors. Roose Bolton stays behind. He moves to speak to Robb.

Bernia says "Now, there are a lot of prisoners"

Roose says "Yes, we can't feed all these people and there is no place for more"

"For that, we need another plan, your grace, A plan to keep these people and feed them"

"Of course to win the rest of the war"

"For that, I think of__"

Lady Talisa Maegyr enters. She is wearing a blood-stained apron and wiping her hands with a rag in a similar condition "Your Grace. A minute of your time?" Roose Bolton looks at Bernia and leaves, eyeing Talisa. Bernia stays looking at them "I've been treating your wounded men."

Robb says "And my enemies, as some of my bannermen, are fond of mentioning."

"They're not my enemies."

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