Chapter IV. Young Love

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King Aegon V married Betha Blackwood and had 5 children, Duncan Targaryen, Jaehaerys II Targaryen, Shaera Targaryen, Daeron Targaryen, and Rhaelle Targaryen.

Prince Duncan was betrothed to a daughter of Lyonel Baratheon of Storm's End, one of several advantageous betrothals arranged by his mother at that time. However, in 239 AC, while traveling in the Riverlands, Duncan encountered and fell in love with and married a "strange, lovely, and mysterious" peasant woman known as Jenny of Oldstones.

Despite the fact that King Aegon had married for love himself, was a friend to the smallfolk and had practically grown up with them, he could not approve of the marriage of the heir to the throne to a commoner and did all he could to have it undone.

But Duncan stubbornly refused to put Jenny aside, even when the High Septon, Grand Maester, and small council joined together to insist that he choose between the Iron Throne and his wife. Rather than give up Jenny, Duncan abdicated as Prince of Dragonstone and gave up his claim to the throne in favor of his brother Jaehaerys. After this, Duncan became known as "the Prince of Dragonflies"

Prince Jaehaerys had developed a deep distaste for the Targaryen practice of incestuous marriages and was determined to end the custom. Thus, in 237 AC, Jaehaerys was betrothed to Celia Tully, the daughter of the Lord of Riverrun. However, from a young age, Jaehaerys had been of a more traditional frame of mind, as he was in love with his sister, Princess Shaera. Shaera, in turn, desired him. King Aegon V and Queen Betha observed this and were alerted because of it. They did everything they could to separate the two siblings, yet this only served to inflame their passion.

Princess Shaera had been betrothed in 237 AC to Luthor Tyrell, the heir to Highgarden. When Jaehaerys's and Shaera's elder brother, Prince Duncan, broke his betrothal to the daughter of Lord Lyonel Baratheon in 239 AC and married a common born girl known as Jenny of Oldstones, Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Shaera took note. Duncan was forced to choose between the Iron Throne and his position as heir to the throne, and his new bride. King Aegon V, in the end, relented, though Duncan was excluded from the line of succession.

Thus, in 240 AC, Jaehaerys and Shaera followed in Duncan's footsteps. They eluded their guardians, and secretly wed and consummated the marriage. Aegon despaired over this, but felt he had no choice, as the marriage had been consummated. He was forced to relent to his children's wishes, while at the same time dealing with the anger and wounded pride of both House Tully and House Tyrell.

Following their example, the younger brother of Duncan and Jaehaerys, Prince Daeron Targaryen, would later also break his betrothal from Olenna Redwyne, meaning all sons of King Aegon V married for love, which the king had only agreed to because he himself had been allowed to do so.

In 244 AC Jaehaerys and Shaera had their first child, a son who they named Aeryn. after a yea had their next son Aerys A daughter, Rhaella, followed within the next two years.

Princess Rhaelle Targaryen, It was Rhaelle's eldest brother, Duncan, who broke his betrothal first, by marrying Jenny of Oldstones in 239 AC. This greatly angered Lord Lyonel, who rebelled against his king. A trial by combat and the word of King Aegon V ended Lord Lyonel's rebellion, with an end result a betrothal, of Rhaelle to Lord Lyonel's son and heir, Ormund Baratheon.

To seal the bargain, Rhaelle was sent to Storm's End, where she would serve as a cupbearer, and be a companion to Lord Lyonel's wife. In 245 AC, the promise of King Aegon V was fulfilled, and Rhaelle and Ormund were wed. Their son, Steffon, was born the next year

Prince Daeron Targaryen died in 251 AC.


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