Chapter VIII. The Prince Of Winterfell

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Narrator POV

In Driftmark, In the hall of the throne, Rhea and Monford stand saying goodbye to each other to attend the battle. Monford is a commander of the Velaryon ships in the battle with Stannis Baratheon. Rhea pleads "Just take care, please"

"I will be back for you, Princess" Rhea chuckles and they hold hands "If anything happens make sure this suicidal team you have don't get them killed"

"You will take care of them with me"

"You will role the castle and don't make my brother enter anything and Larissa to meet the council every day to make sure everything is well"

Rhea nods "Okay"

"When Monterys back from Qarth make sure he learns everything from you and his sister"

"It's just a battle and it's not your first, you will back and you can teach our son, okay"

"If anything happens to me don't help any side stop until the right time you choose because this war won't stop easily"

Rhea nods and they rest their heads on each other closing their eyes.


In Catelyn's tent, Robb enters, finding Catelyn at her desk. Bernia sitting and reading a book Robb says "Tell me this isn't true." Catelyn and Bernia don't answer. They look up at him "Why?"

Catelyn says "For the girls."

"Both of you betrayed me."

Bernia says "Robb__"

Robb shouts "No! You knew I would not allow it and you did it anyway." Pointing at Bernia "I trusted you on everything, how could you?"

Catelyn says "Bran and Rickon are captives in Winterfell. Sansa and Arya are captives in King's Landing. I have five children, and only one of them is free."

Rickard Karstark says "I lost one son fighting by your son's side. I lost another to the Kingslayer, strangled with a chain. You commit treason because your children are prisoners? I would carve out my heart and offer it to the Father if he would let my sons wake from their graves and step into a prison cell."

Catelyn says "I grieve for your sons, my lord."

Rickard says "I don't want your grief. I want my vengeance. And both you stole it from me."

Bernia says "Killing Ser Jaime Lannister would not buy life for your children, but returning him to King's Landing may buy life for your mother."

Robb says "Jaime and Lyanna Lannister has played you for a fool. You've weakened our position. You've brought discord into our camp. And you did it all behind my back. Make sure they are guarded day and night."

Catelyn says "Robb."

Robb asks "How many men did we send in pursuit of the Kingslayer?"

A soldier says "Forty, Your Grace."

"Send another forty with our fastest horses."

Bernia holds Robb's arm "Robb, listen."

Robb frees himself and exits.


Lyanna POV

Outside Riverlands woods, A white horse gallops over a small hill, riderless. Nearby, Lady Brienne of Tarth pushes me and Jaime off our mount, hooded and chained. She sends the horse off. She helps us up "Damn." She takes off his hood and helps him stand "You're much uglier in daylight. What's your name? I'm Jaime Lannister of Casterly Rock, son of Tywin."

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