Chapter I. Riverlands

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Lyanna POV

Riverlands, where the king's party has stopped at the Crossroads Inn. Gwen is tending to me inside my bedroom while Jamie is with the king. I ask her "Did you learn, Gwen?"

"Yes in the capital before we back to Winterfell"

"Really, I never knew"

"I learned history, my mother working as a handmaiden to Queen Rhaella"

"You kidding"

"I know, I'm a surprise person, I sat in the red keep until I was six years old, the war began we sat until I came twelve years old then we back to my father, and when I worked in Winterfell castle"

"Then you sit there, Have you ever seen a dragon?"

"Dragon gone"


"No dragon. They kill them. The last eggs burn in summerhall. It is known" She stares at the dark like remembers something "I heard Prince Rheagar Taygeryan talking to a man once and the man told him that dragons come from the moon"

I intrigue "The moon?"

Gwen nods "He told him the moon was an egg, that once there were two moons in the sky. But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand, thousand dragons and they drank the sun's fire."

"Moon is no egg. I heard Moon is the goddess - wife of the sun"

"When you arrive there you will hear a lot of stories that you can't believe"

"Gwen, did you do something with a man before?

Gwen laughs softly "Yes When I arrived at Winterfell"

"Wow, Who?"

Gwen rolls her eyes "Long story but It was one of your husband's cousins"

"If I asked you more maybe I will find you're from the white walkers"

Gwen laughs "I told you, I'm a surprised person" sighs "his name is Arthur, I did not touch a man since him, he was the only one, Lady, He sits in Winterfell for a year until Lord Tywin sends to get him"

"Gods, so you loved him"

"Yeah maybe he forget about me" sighs "You asked for"

I think for a moment "Can you teach me how to make Jaime happy?

Gwen smiles "Yes"

Gwen smiles "Yes"

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Gwen is teaching me how to better please Jaime. She is straddling me, while I'm laying on my back and looking sideways "No, Lyanna" She adjusts my face so we are looking at each other "You must look in his eyes always" I nod "Love comes in at the eyes" She grabs my hands.

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