Chapter VI. Driftmark

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In Driftmark, we arrived standing in front of the huge gate. I, Jaime, Gwen, Greer, Laela, Reagan, Snow, and fifteen soldiers. The gate of the castle opens and Jaime takes a deep breath and I hold his hand smiling warmly at him.

Daeron and Larissa Targaryen are waiting for us with a smile. Daeron smiles "Welcome to Driftmark"

We enter to introduce each other. Larissa says "Welcome again to Driftmark"

Lord Monterys Valeryon came hurrying with a smile "Ser Jaime Lannister" They shake hands "Welcome to Driftmark, I am sure you didn't come before"

Jaime says "Lord Monterys. It's my first time here"

Monterys says "Lady Lyanna Lannister"

I smile "Lord Monterys" we shake hands.

Larissa says "Monterys is my younger brother"

"Pleasure meeting you"

Monterys catches Greer's eyes and they stare at each other with a smile. Laela shares a look with me and I clear my throat as Jaime glares at Greer. Monterys says "Lady__"

Greer shakes his hand "Greer Banefort"

Monterys kisses her hand "My bad__ pleasure"

Daeron whispers to Larissa "I think Jaime going to punch your brother"

Larissa whispers "Wait I think they are flirting"

Monterys says "__ You have Lannister beauty"

Larissa says "Please come in, Mother waiting for us at the great hall" 

We follow her. Gwen holds my arm "I am trying not to laugh"

I whisper "I smell blood will sprite" I hold Jaime's arm to walk with him "Calm down, love"

Jaime says "They were flirting, she is a sister to me"


In the great hall, we enter but Jaime is shocked as he sees all the Targaryen family sitting waiting for us. Aeryn, Alicia, Aelor, Aemon, and Saera. Daemion, Rhaena, Daenora, Rhea, Viserys and Daella Targaryen. I hold his hand tightly feeling a little bit frightened. Aeryn stands up with his kind warm smile "Jaime Lannister, it's been years since the last time I saw you were a child"

Jaime smiles sympathetically "Prince Aeryn such a pleasure meeting you"

Rhea greets us "Welcome to Driftmark, Please all of you take a seat"

Daemion is watching us quietly like studying us.

Jaime introduces me "Lady Lyanna Lannister, my wife"

I smile and bow respectfully "Prince Aeryn"

Aeryn smiles at me "Eddard's daughter. They told me about Snow White but you don't look like the northern"

I smile warmly "I heard about you too, The kind Prince"

Aeryn smiles at me nodding and staring at his thought for a while.

Daemion stands "Jaime Lannister" They shake hands "Twenty years"

I smile at the storm prince as they tell us stories, of powerful, confident, and body-like warriors. He didn't disappoint me like Robert Baratheon, actually all the Targaryen family, especially Prince Aeryn.

We all take a seat and I sit next to Laela who is watching Daemion. Larissa sits with us "You didn't know the family let me introduce you to each other"

I smile "Sounds great to me"


Narrator POV

Snow Ghost [Jaime Lannister]Where stories live. Discover now