Chapter IX. The Dragon Dream

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Lyanna POV

Jaime and I riding our horses on the king's road, Jaime is quiet all road. I sigh feeling bored and look at him then smile to myself and start to sing "And who are you, the proud lord said that I must bow so low?" Jaime looks at me "Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours."

Jaime smiles nodding sadly.

I continue "And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere But now the rains weep o'er his hall with no one there to hear. Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear."

Jaime sighs looking at the snowing road.

"And who are you, the proud lord said that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours. And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere But now the rains weep o'er his hall with no one there to hear" I look at the clouds "Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear."

Jaime looks at me "Why are you singing that, Lyanna"

I still looking at the road "Harwin sent a raven the Lannister we have are feeling down, Jaime. They feel betrayed and weak" Looking at him "So do you, I never saw you in a weak position"

Jaime stops and jumps to the ground.

So I did too "I always take my strength from you. Back there in King's Landing, I was afraid to death but I know I have a very powerful husband, the golden lion son of Tywin Lannister. The youngest of the king's guards Jaime Lannister"

Jaime crosses his arms to his chest "Oh really"

I give him a look "YES"

"No, Lyanna this is just words from you to fix the situation, we are in"

I put my hand on his arm "No, I swear, every time I'm scared or feeling alone, I know leaving the town without guards because you with me, you would die for me. I was a bastard, Jaime until I meet you, you honoured me and protected me and made me a queen. Being beside you makes me feel safe, No one loved me the way you loved me, looking into your eyes I know I am the only one in your heart"

Jamie stares at me "You want me to feel okay or not weak, you weaked me. you broke me when you went and married Lyonel and after that Daeron" I take a step back "Did you think of me for one moment before you take any decision"

I argue "You let me go, you said go and do not ever come back, I begged you not to leave me"

Jaime argues "I saved you, they were going to harm you, I swear an oath to Eddard when I married you to protect you and I could not twice in Riverlands" I look away "and when Daeron murdered you before my eyes" I stare at him "What? did you forget when he settle Robert's hammer into your chest" Tears in my eyes "There was no one, just me and I had to carry your cold body to the red keep while you bled, that day the red keep turned red by your blood, I was covered in your blood, all I thought that day, father was right, all of us will die"

I pat my horse listening to him.

"I lost you, Jon, Jason, Tommen and even Joffrey. Now I lost everything and I had to watch the man who is my mate and taught me. Be your husband so that fair or this just cruel life, you said every time I broke you with my truth. But you broke me with your decisions and attitude, Lyanna"

Tears fall from me "I want my brother on the throne and I want to save my son"

"You told me once not to sacrifice my happiness for anyone and I do not want to say that, you said just chair and now you doing the same take chances like Cersei"

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