Chapter IV. Unknown Fate

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In Driftmark, Council room, They are still gathering around the table trying to figure out what is the right next step. Aeryn, Alicia Rhea, Rhaena, Larissa, and Daeron. Daeron says "Okay as it is a good step for us, but also Daemion put us in danger"

Alicia says "He is called storm prince for a reason, cousin"

Rhea says "Well at least all his plans work, he won every battle"

Larissa says "Mother!"

Aeryn gives his cousin a look to stop this now.

Daeron says "Pardon me, Princess Rhea, but shut it" He is angry "These words since I arrive at Driftmark. I am your daughter's husband and one of your family"

Alicia warns "Cousin!"

Rhaena says "Daeron you were in Winterfell not with us tell us How one of Robert's rebellion members accepted you in his house for seventeen years"

Larissa gives her husband a look 'Tell them the truth'

Daeron says "Mercy! He gave me, Daenerys and Viserys his mercy"

Rhea sarcastic "Mercy! He gave the children mercy after the Lannisters slay Aegon and Rhaenys" challenges him "You was not a child, you are older than Rhaegar"

Larissa says "Mother you know Lord Eddard Stark____"

Aeryn hit the table hard "Stop it all of you, we are family we have to stick together, we are the last Targaryen, our family are slain or get burned in Summerhall" Aeryn stands "I" look at Rhea "you" at Rhaena "you and Daemion. This family is our responsibility, four of us" Aeryn sighs "I am older now not the same young prince. Daeron, Viserys, Aelor, and Aemon are the future so we won't have doubts about each other. What happened in past, keep it in past"

Alicia looks upset at her cousin and gives him a look 'Shut it'

Daenora and Aelor get in the room, holding a map, Aelor puts it on the table. Daenora says "Well as we study the map, The easy way to take the dragons to Summer Islands is taking the road until old town then arrive at Hightower and take a ship"

Rhaena says "That's like telling everyone we have dragons"

Aelor takes a piece of paper and draws on it dragons with chains in every chain small dragon.

Aelor says "Daenora and I find the easiest way, the two dragons will travel in the middle of the night and every dragon will have chains with five dragons not to lose them"

Daenora says "They will arrive after one day if they rest but not to risk the dragons so it will take half a day travelling"

Aelor says "And the best is travelling between clouds no one would notice"

Aeryn asks "Daeron, what do you think about it?"

Daeron says "It could happen easily, I am on it we should ask Viserys"

Viserys and Aemon get in holding maps and books. Daenora and Aelor run to collect their maps and papers. The two princes put their things. Viserys says "A new house, we will make a new house"

"A new house?"

Rhea says "Pardon me?"

Aemon says "After seeing all the books and father, you teach me history, and When the dragon dances the realm became two parts the greens and blacks"

Alicia says "Excuse me, why does that relate to your plan?"

Viserys says "When the realm became a half the war with between the Targaryen family and all the realm helped them sort of they are blacks and greens"

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