Chapter XI. First Of His Name

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In King's Landing, the throne room, The high Septon leads the coronation of Tommen Baratheon. I stand next to Jaime feeling sick, I hold his arm to rest on it. Jaime whispers "You should rest"

I whisper "I am good just, your child kicking so hard" I moan "I think he practices sword inside"

Jaime chuckles "Like his father" 

I smile at him.

High Septon says "May the Warrior grant him courage and protect him in these perilous times. May the Smith grant him strength that he might bear this heavy burden. And may the Crone, she that knows the fate of all men, show him the path he must walk and guide him through the dark places that lie ahead. In the light of the Seven, I now proclaim Tommen of the House Baratheon First of His Name. King of the Andals and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign!" The crowd cheers. 

Tommen bows exchanging a look with Margaery.

"Special day."


Tommen sits on the Iron Throne, with Tywin Lannister beside him. A reception line moves towards him, including grand maester Pycelle and Varys with Crowd Chatting "Your Grace."

"Your Grace"

Tommen exchanges nodes and smiles with Margaery, who stands in the wings. Cersei and I catch their gaze while we stand next to each other while I still lean on Jaime. 

Cersei says "He still kicking"

I turn to her "Never stop, I guess celebrating King Tommen on the Iron Throne"

"You are in labour, Go to your room and I will send you the midwives" Cersei heads to Margaery.

Jaime wonders "You are in labor?"

"No, it's not like the last time" I take a deep breath "Stop kicking"

The crowd greets her as she passes through "Your Grace."

I feel tired "Long may he reign"

Ser Loras Tyrell bows to Tommen on the stage.

Jaime waves to Gwen and she comes to us "Take her to our chamber, Cersei guess she is in labour"

I snap at them "I'm not"


Outside our chamber, ser Harwin standing with us I feel more pain in my back as Gwen opens the chamber with the key. I look around "Oh, no"

Harwin asks "What is wrong?"

"I guess, I am bleeding"

"What?" Gwen kneels and Ser Harwin gives us his back and Gwen lifts up my dress

I worry "Bad right, I will not look, Oh no not again"

Gwen tries to calm me  "Your water just broke do not freak out, it's normal"

"You are freaking out like Laela, here my lady" Harwin turns again giving me his arm and I take it and they lead me inside.


In our chamber, I lay on the bed and the midwives are with me and Gwen. I feel my bones are broken. Jaime, Greer, and Genna get. Jaime with a worried tone "What's happening?"

The Old midwife says "All attempts to take the babe out failed"

I cry "I can hear you"

Jaime says "Do something for her!"

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