Chapter I. Long Live The King

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King's Landing, the Red Keep is clean but still ruined, the dragons fly above. I move around the throne hall worried. Jaime back from Castelry Rock and is taken as a prisoner for killing Cersei and named the queenslayer.

The Unsullied have found a makeshift cell for him somewhere on the Red Keep grounds. It's one of the few intact chambers.

Lord Varys walks in, in his usual way "Your grace"

I turn to him "What will happen now?"

Varys says "His fate with the family's hand"

I wipe my face "Lord Varys, I need Jaime out of this cell, you are the maester of whispers, do something" Varys looks at me thinking.

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Narrator POV

Jaime sits with his back against the wall, staring up at the weak light. We hear the bolt slide and the door opens: Jon Snow stands there. He nods to the Unsullied sentries and steps inside. One of the sentries closes the door after him and we hear the bolt slide.

Jaime wonders "How is Lyanna?"

"Going into her madness once again"

Jaime disappointed "Ah. Well, thank you for coming to see me" beat "Your queen doesn't keep prisoners for long."

Jon says "No, but I am kinda the king so your fate is in my hands but you made a mistake saying out loud you killed___"

Jaime cuts him "I did. And I'd do it again, now that I've seen what I've seen" shrugs "I chose my fate. The people of King's Landing did not. I saved millions twice"

Jon cannot argue with this. He's seen too much horror in the last day. He glances towards the window "I can't justify what happened. I won't try. But the war is over now.

Jaime argues "Is it? you believe yourself when you say it"

Jon doesn't answer, but his expression makes it clear he harbors the same worry.

Jaime says "She's a conqueror. She liberated the people of Slaver's Bay. She liberated the people of King's Landing. She'll go on liberating until all the people of the world are free... and she rules them all with you or not."

Jon sighs "This your advice"

"My advice wiser you take it or not let your sisters by your sides not her. Lyannais right. I was wrong. Your queen's nature is fire and blood.

Jon angry "You think our house words are stamped on our bodies when we're born and that's who we are? Then I'd be fire and blood, too" quieter "She's not her father. No more than you're Tywin Lannister.

Jaime considers this point "I could be my father but Lyanna changed me. Because if I was him, I would have sat on the throne and made myself a king. My father was an evil man. My sister was a hateful woman. Pile up all the bodies of all the people we ever killed. Throw in Ramsay Bolton's victims for good measure."

The argument gets more heated, both men impassioned.

Jon says "It's easy to judge when you're standing far from the battlefield__"

"Perhaps" Jaime looks up at Jon. It's important that Jon listens "Be a good king like your father's sake maybe you did not meet him but he is a good man and have a good plan get into the basement of the Red Keep you will find the plans in his handwritten, make his dream come true, that Aegon the prince that promises"

Jon nods.

Jaime smiles "I know you love your queen. I loved mine before, Not as successfully as you. But I believed in her with all my heart for years until I met your sister" beat "Love is more powerful than reason. We all know that. Look at me"

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