Chapter XVII. Head: V. The Iron Throne

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In King's Landing main gates, day. Snow has begun to fall and will continue to fall throughout this day. King's Landing is a quiet city, with people hiding in their houses. No losses happened just the Red Keep falling and ruined.

Tyrion Lannister steels himself and heads inside the ruined courtyard.

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In King's Landing Alley, Jon, Davos and the Northmen come across Grey Worm and a platoon of Unsullied standing over a group of Lannister officers on their knees.

Grey Worm says "In the name of the one true queen, Daenerys Targaryen, I sentence you to die."

Jon calls out "Grey Worm!" Grey Worm turns and watches Jon approach. He seems neither surprised nor pleased to see his queen's lover "It's over. These men are prisoners."

Grey Worm says "It is not over until the queen's enemies are defeated."

Davos incredulous "How much more defeated do you want them to be? They're on their knees!"

Grey Worm says "They are breathing."

Davos says "Look around you, friend. We won."

Grey Worm says "I follow my queen's commands. Not yours."

Jon wonders "And what are the queen's commands? Grey Worm "Kill all those who follow Cersei Lannister."

Grey Worm draws his knife "These are free men. They chose to fight for her"

As Grey Worm steps behind the first officer in the line, Jon grabs his arm "If she is the queen, I am the KING!" he turns to the Northmen "Take the prisoners to the dragon pit now"

The Northmen head to the Lannister soldiers and take the prisoners.

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In the map room, Tyrion walks past the ruined map room, snow starting to cover the ash and Hrubble.

He gets into the small council room, He walks past the table where he and Cersei often fought, past the little office where he and his father often fought. He grabs an unlit torch from a sconce. He's heading into the darkness.

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Alone and carrying a lit torch, Tyrion makes his way down a staircase into the secret underbelly of the Red Keep.

At the end of the dark tunnel he comes upon a great mound of rubble, blocking his passage. He raises his torch and sees a small gap at the very top of the rubble.

It is lighter on the other side than it is here. He puts down the torch and starts climbing up the rubble.

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In the Dragon Skull room, Tyrion walks through what's left of the dragon skull room, toward the light provided by the hole that Drogon blasted in the ceiling.

Many of the skulls have been crushed by falling rock; even Balerion the Dread's skull has been caved in. All of the skulls have been blackened and scorched by the extreme heat of the fires that raged for hours.

And then he sees it, in the pile of rubble and ash made by Drogon's blast: A hint of a golden hand inside dragon skull.

Lyanna POV

Robb looks at me "It's over"

I look around "We are alive"

Jaime nods "We survived"

Tyrion gets down on his knees "Lyanna, Is that you?"

I walk out of the dragon skull carefully "Tyrion"

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