Chapter XII. Tail: VI. The Queenslayer

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Jon's mourning is brought to an end by the sound of beating wings, coming closer, and a great roar. I stand looking outside the ruined wall not looking at Jon because I know I ruined his life.

Jon looks to the place the ceiling used to be, and sees Drogon wheeling in the sky, heading for the Throne Room. Drogon lands before him, shaking the throne room's foundations. His wings fall to his side, displacing enough air that Jon has to steel himself against the gust.

Jon doesn't flee. He has no interest in avoiding death; he has nothing left to live for. He stands and steps away from Dany's body. Drogon moves his head close to Dany's body. He sniffs at her. He nudges her gently.

Drogon's huge brow lowers and his pupils dilate as the worst is confirmed. His lips raise over teeth as long as short swords.

The dragon rises up on his hind legs, towering over Jon. In beautiful, terrifying tableaux, he roars to the sky, the embodiment of rage. He looks down at Jon. We see the fire build up in his throat.

Jon sees it as well. He looks at me, But the blast is not for him. Drogon wants to burn the world but he will not kill Jon. He breathes fire on the back wall, blasting down what remains of the great red blocks of stone.

We look over Jon's shoulder as the fire sweeps toward the throne-- not the target of Drogon's wrath, just a dumb bystander caught up in the conflagration.

We look through the blades of the throne as the flames engulf it, and blast the wall behind it.

We see the throne in the flames, turning red, then white, then beginning to lose its form. We get tight shots of the details melting in silhouette: the armrests, the iconic fan of swords on the backrest.

The fire stops. The smoke clears revealing a puddle of smouldering slag where the throne once stood.

Who will sit on the Iron Throne? No one. Drogon turns back to Dany's lifeless body and delicately gathers her up with a claw. With heavy thrusts of his wings, Drogon takes to the air, and flies away through the missing roof.

Jon and I watch him recede, with his mother's corpse in his grasp. Jon and I look at each other.

"That was my husband, Jon. She killed him"

We follow Drogon with our eyes over the ruined city with Dany's lifeless body clutched in his claw. He heads out toward the eastern sky, flying over Blackwater Bay. 

It's not a dusky beauty shot; it's grey and lifeless, as befits a funeral. 

Jon asks "Why you did this Lyanna?"

I stare at him for a moment "Because I love my children" he looks at me confused and I stare at my hand full of Daenerys's blood and look at the burned Iron Throne.

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Narrator POV

After weeks, The intervening weeks have been hard ones for a woman; she hasn't slept or eaten well in a long time. She is in the middle of labour, screams pleads "AHHHH!"

The midwives trying to help her as she continues to scream in agony and terror.

One of them says "Your grace, You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I'll make it quick." she covers her lower half with a sheet.

Lyanna POV

I pant and am out of breath as I get tired from labour since yesterday I scream in agony holding into the chains. 

"One last push! Push! The baby's almost here!"

I scream feeling the head out but I don't want to push.

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