chapter 5: adjusting

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Three days later

Everyone in the base barely slept for the past three days it was easier with the owlet imps they just stayed with Blitz and Stolas but with Ultra Magnus's and Barbie wire's imp sparklings they really didn't know what to do at all. The twins were still crying even though everyone did literally everything to try to make them both stop to the point where Blitz and Barbie wire's mom Tilla had to come to the base more often.

Ultra Magnus: when the rates fall They will refi and that's the realtor's lullaby

Barbie wire: why won't they stop crying?... Do you think they know they're chubby!?

Tilla: sweetie, babies don't know that they're fat they literally don't know what their hands are. Oh, and did you and Ultra Magnus finally decided on names?

Barbie wire: we both named them after two epic poems we read. We named our precious daughter Gilga short for Gilgamesh.

Ultra Magnus: and we named our son Beo short for Beowulf.

Moxxie: I don't even want to ask.

Millie: who cares what their names are they're both cute.

Ratchet: yeah and both huge mistakes.

Ultra Magnus: did you just call my sparklings a mistake?

Ratchet: yes, because they are. I mean they were literally conceived behind a dumpster in hell!

Caddy: are you saying we should have left them to die?

Ratchet: we literally quarantined the base when Loona brought fucking alcohol from the gluttony ring. I mean they could grow to the size of Omega supreme they might eat brains and exhale space aids. I'm just saying we got to be careful.

Circuitjack: Ultra Magnus literally lost the chance to be careful when these two were made.

Ratchet: fine just do not let them out of your sight they look harmless now but they could grow into something dangerous. Be careful.

Two hours later

Optimus and Megatron were finally alone at last when all of a sudden Ratchet barges into the room thinking he had the gall to do so.

Ratchet: I may have talked to our associates on Griffin rock about the situation with Ultra Magnus and Barbie wire.

Optimus prime: why would you tell them?

Ratchet: I didn't have a choice. People are going to find out and they are going to judge all of us!

Megatron: who cares?

Ratchet: I care! We live on Cybertron and Ultra Magnus is on team prime!

Optimus prime: Ratchet, you're overreacting.


Back with the others

he babies were still crying and everyone was just looking completely wrecked they haven't gotten any sleep in three days. 

Tilla: Barbie wire, I know you and Ultra Magnus are committed to energon feeding and the book but I think it's time you consider formula.  It will help the babies sleep better and the doctor says it's perfectly healthy. 

Circuitjack: one time when Felicity's mom was visiting her she said Felicity had a full set of teeth at six months. 

Optimus prime: what the fuck? 

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