chapter 16: the decision

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a day after the rescue bots found out and they are still trying to get used to seeing literal demons from hell. 

Blitz: well now that all that shits out of the way I am blitz the O is silent. 

Chief Burns: what O? 

Caddy: names Caddy former imp and six time winner of the wrath rings harvest moon festival pain games! 

Blades: I'm sorry what!? 

Caddy: and this imp is Millie one gem of an assassin and a full blown honorary wrecker! 

Boulder: she's a wrecker? 

Millie: one of the best. 

Caddy: and the imp next to her is her husband Moxxie knowlastname.  And I am not kidding that is literally his last name. 

Gram: how did he even get a job? 

Caddy: Oh and she is Blitz's hellhound Loona. 

Loona: I'm not just his hellhound, Caddy. 

Blitz: yeah she's my daughter! 

Loona: only on paper.  You bitches already know my name. 

Dani: okay? 

Caddy: and this is prince Stolas of the ars goetia. 

Kade: I didn't even think Hell even had a king. 

Circuitjack: of course they do KADE they're not anarchist's dumbass! 

Chief Burns: never thought I'd live the day to see cybertronians use human profanities. 

Caddy: and this is his daughter Octavia. 

Octavia: hey. 

Circuitjack: and the shark is Moxxie, Millie and Caddy's ex boyfriend and the horniest demon in hell Chaz.

Cody: okay? 

Circuitjack: and the new autobots are the terrans Twitch, Thrash, Hashtag, Jawbreaker, Nightshade and Crusade who all have a very emotional connection to Loona and Octavia. 

Chase: why have we not been informed about this before? 

Optimus prime: we've been very busy you know with Megatron being sent to rehab rebuilding Cybertron and the demon Cybertronian alliance and Moxxie's father trying to kill us. 

Rescue bots: WHAT!?! 

Circuitjack: Moxxie's father Crimson is a mafia boss and he tried to kill about several times until Blitz Millie and Moxxie used their Cybertronian powers to punch and kill him! 

Heatwave: what!? 

Ratchet; anyways how's my nephew? 

Blades: he's fine. 


Chaz: you ask us not to lie to you but in the end YOU LIE TO US!?! 

Ratchet: I mentioned him in every single conversation I have. 

Optimus prime: and the other reason is because we recently found out that crimson tricked Moxxie into thinking his mother was dead and Moxxie has been trying to find her. 

Circuitjack: crimson's one sick fuck. 

Heatwave: WE DO NOT SAY THAT!!! 

Circuitjack: sick? 

Smokescreen: no he's talking about fuck you can't say fuck in public you fucking dumbass! 

Heatwave: SMOKESCREEN!!! 

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