chapter 12: age of evolution part 2

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Everyone was still inside the cave while it was collapsing and they all need to get out of there before they die. 

Twitch: you four this place is going down we gotta get the fuck out!!! 

But then the rocks that formed the ceiling started falling and one huge rock started falling and everyone thought they were going to die until the four new terrans held up the rock for everyone to be safe. 

A few minutes later

Circuitjack and Smokescreen were trying to dig them out for awhile until Millie literally Punched a hole for them to get out.   After they got out the new terrans were hiding behind a rock just staring at them. 

Smokescreen: So what the fuck are their names? 

Loona: her name's Hashtag

Hashtag: you're right.  I didn't have a word for my name just a feeling.  

???: So who am I? 

Loona: Jawbreaker my favorite candy back when I was a kid. 

Jawbreaker: really! 

Nightshade: and I am Nightshade it is a delight and a surprise to meet you all. 

Circuitjack: Well then who is the fourth one? 

Octavia: her name's Crusade. 

Crusade: hi. 

Moxxie: Well now with the introduction aside I think I know a place where we can all be safe and away from crimson. 

At the hazbin hotel

Millie: out of all the places you pick you pick Charlie's hotel.

Moxxie: My father would never think of coming here to find us So it's perfect to hide. 

Optimus prime: anyways the pieces on the table represent each of us. 

Nightshade: may I be the bobblehead? 

Stolas: Of course Octavia can you switch ummm? 

Octavia: Nightshades pronouns are they/them. 

Nightshade: He or she just doesn't fit who I am. 

Stolas: My apologies.  Please switch their piece. 

Optimus prime: anyways When we find out where the fuck Crimson went out new terrans will bring in me, Circuitjack, bumblebee, Caddy, Arcee and Smokescreen as prisoners while they pretend to be Decepticons and distract Crimson while Tilla, Cash, Lin and Joe get the kids disguised as loan sharks once we save them we captured Crimson, bring them into custody and... 


Ratchet: we're not doing that we're not psychopaths! 

Optimus prime: although watching him being executed would be fun. 

Charlie: we don't have time for that let's just start operation: Terran horse. 

With Blitz

Blitz was trying to get out of the ropes he was tied up in while Crimson was having his goons try to cut Megatron's arm off he tried to figure out an escape plan but everything that he had thought of was stupid.  He was still hoping that the others were on their way to saving him. 

Crimson was about to execute Blitz until the Autobots came in starting operation: Terran horse.  The Terrans were wearing Decepticon sigil stickers that Charlie made, holding guns and trying to look menacing enough to fool Crimson.  Hashtag was doing a bad Australian accent. 

Crimson: who the fuck are yous? 

Hashtag: *Australian accent* ah name's sparkle plug baddest con in all of Cybertron.  

Crimson: really? 

Crusade: Oh she's definitely telling the truth and not just doing a bad shitty Australian accent to deceive you. 

Hashtag: *Australian accent* Arachnid and I were roommates.  Bad guy school.  

Nightshade: It's a long story. 

They were distracting Crimson while Tilla Cash, Lin and Joe were getting the kids out of their cages.  The plan was going well until Crimson noticed the sticker slowly coming off of Jawbreakers chest. 

Crimson: you really think I'm that fucking stupid enough to fall for this *rips off sticker* bullshit!  And those clearly aren't loan sharks you dumbasses!!! 

Bulkhead, Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus broke in through the windows and started shooting the guards while Tilla, Cash, Lin and Joe were getting the kids out of their cages.  Crimson pressed a button and then the ground started shaking. 

Blitz: Oh shit a fucking hell quake!!! 

Moxxie: hell quakes don't happen!!! 

Then suddenly a huge door opened and the place started leaning sideways and everyone started falling thankfully Megatron transformed into his alt-mode and saved everyone.  Everyone saw that underneath Crimson's house was a fucking huge robotic contraption that allowed his house to move. 


But the way crimson answered was horrible a laser was shot at the ceiling above the warehouse they were hiding in and it collapsed on Blitz,  Moxxie and Millie and seeing it made everyone cry.  With them gone Twitch immediately ran towards the moving base and was almost killed by an arachnomech until it was shot, Twitch turned around to see everyone running up behind her. 

Octavia: One thing you got to learn about family is. 

Jawbreaker: we do things together! 

Hashtag: *Australian accent* NO DINGUS SNOT IS GOING TO SMOKE MY SIBLING!!!   *Scream*

But then the rubble from the warehouse started glowing underneath and suddenly there was an explosion of a bright light and from underneath came out Blitz, Moxxie and Millie all wearing the armor that they all wore back when they saved Cybertron.  They all got their powers back. 

Tilla and cash: what? 

Lin and Joe: The? 

Crimson: Fuck! 

Moxxie: no one and I mean no one messes with our family!!! 

After Twitch destroyed the laser blitz, Moxxie and Millie deliver the kill shot by flying straight through the Mobile base with Moxxie punching crimson causing him to fly out to a far distance.  Once all three of them got back on the ground they turned back to normal while Blitz and Millies parents just stared at them in shock. 

Lin: how? 

Millie: we're gonna have to get Jetfire if you want the whole story. 

Caddy: well Blitz you and Stolas got four new children. 

Blitz: adopt four new terrans.   How could I say no?   Welcome to the family kids.  

Everyone just hugged each other it was a beautiful moment.  In a warehouse from afar crimson was hooked up to machines while all of his loan shark goons brought in a vehicons corpse. 

Sorry if this chapter was short and yes crimson is gonna do what Silas did to live don't judge me

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