40. New Boyfriend

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I step out of the shower with one towel wrapped around my body and the other wrapped around my hair. My hair dresser would kill me, knowing that I am using a towel wrap instead of my silk turban to dry my hair in. I used the silk turban in London's hair yesterday and left it on the dresser in her room. Harry is in there with her and I didn't really want to talk to him, so I didn't get the turban. 

Whilst dropping the hyaluronic acid serum onto my face, I watch as the baby blue liquid slowly drips down my cheeks. I catch the liquid with my fingertips and begin rubbing it around my skin in circular motions. 

"What is that stuff? I always see you put it on, but I don't know what it is." 

I turn to my right to see Harry leaning against the doorframe to our ensuite. He has dark circles beneath his eyes, he has Sydney's pumpkin puree on his white shirt and his hair is twisted messily into a small clip on the top of his head. 

"Dad life looks brutal."

"It's actually because I am twenty-seven now."

That response was witty and quick. It almost made me laugh, but I didn't allow myself to even smile because that's how he always crawls back into my good books. It is so hard to stay mad at him, but I need to drag this out a little longer so that he knows that he fucked up. 

Harry walks over to where I am standing and picks up the glass bottle of serum. He frowns while reading the tiny writing. "Hydrating. Maybe I need some of that." 

"What do you want to talk about Harry? Because I know you didn't come in here for a skin-care routine."

He let's out a sigh and turns around so that he is leaning against the vanity and facing me. I can feel his eyes on my body, as mine remain on my face as I put eye cream beneath my eyes. 

"You're still pissed?"

"Honestly, I don't know Harry. I'm not angry. I'm not happy. I don't know how I feel right now. This all feels like a never-ending cycle and I don't know how to get out of it."

"How was the gym?"

Surprised by his sudden change in topic, I look at him for a brief moment and notice a change in his facial expression. There's something hidden behind his eyes, but I can't figure out what that look means. 


"What did you train today?"

"Just cardio today."

"At the gym?" He raises an eyebrow.

Getting impatient of this small talk, I can't help but snap at him. "What are you trying to ask me Harry? Fuck, just spit it out."

"Why weren't you just honest with me and said that you were walking with a guy instead? Is he your trainer? Does he actually train you or do you just pay him to go for a walk with you?"

I slam my hand down on the table as I turn to face him. "Seriously?" I snicker. "You're jealous."

"Yeah I'm jealous. Do you blame me? While I am away, my fiancé is spending her free time with another man. One who is quite attractive if I say so myself." 

"While you're away? You think I love that you're away a lot? I would rather you be here with our fucking family." Harry opens his mouth to say something, but I continue speaking. "So it's alright for you to hang around gorgeous women all the time, but I'm not allowed to do the same."

"You can hang around gorgeous women, I don't have a problem with that."

I roll my eyes. "You know what I mean, Harry."

He reaches for my hand but I pull it away. My quick movement makes the towel around my body slip down and I quickly catch it before Harry gets a free show. 

He presses his lips together while staring at the ground and thinking to himself for a moment. When he looks back up at me, he speaks softly and calmly. "I can't do anything right when it comes to you. What can I do to be better?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I shouldn't have to tell you how to be better."

"But I don't know what I am doing wrong. I just seem to fuck up time after time."

"I'm the problem too. It's clear that we are both making each other unhappy."

He shakes his head. "Don't talk like that Hailey. You do make me happy. You and the girls are the reason why I put the tour on hold so that I can be present more."

I nod my head. "Good, that's good."

"You don't sound thrilled."

"How did you even know that I went for a walk with Jake?"

"I took the girls for a walk and seen you. I turned around and went the other way though because I didn't want the girls to see you with another man."

"That sounds so stupid. You are making it sound like you caught me cheating."

"I didn't like seeing you with someone else."

After putting on my moisturiser, I pack away my skincare and unwrap the towel from around my hair. "I'm not giving up my training sessions with Jake. You are just going to have to suck it up."

"Why can't you switch trainers?"

"I'm not even going to answer that because the answer is simply no."

"How long before he makes a move on you? He probably has already, and since I wasn't around, I bet you liked the attention."

"You are being ridiculous."

He lets out a sarcastic laugh. "You didn't deny it." He shakes his head again. "Maybe you should wear the lingerie you brought for your new boyfriend instead." 

Before I can even respond, Harry walks out of the bathroom. My skin is boiling and it isn't from the steamy shower I had moments earlier. I feel like I need to go for another walk just to clear my head from that conversation. 

Why is Harry being like this? He is putting this all on me and making me look guilty of doing something that I'm not. 

He turned the girls the other way because he didn't want them to see me with another man. Sydney comes to most of my PT sessions, she actually likes Jake. Little does he know that Jake gave me good advice and was pushing for my relationship with Harry to work. Jake is a friend and nothing more. I didn't even give that a second thought. I really cannot believe Harry right now. 

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