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Since the day that they've first met, Kyler and Lea have been often talking to each other when they'll attend the same class or even at the café when Kyler wanted to at least break off some distance and talking openly to Lea with interesting conversations.

Upon knowing Kyler, Lea realized that they live in very different worlds yet they get along. Lea also found out that Kyler only takes the language class as an extra one because he was curious to try and learn a lot of foreign languages, they exchanged contacts and message every night and on breaks.

Honestly, Lea finds Kyler to be a really adorable kind of person when he's around like a golden retriever kind of person who always wags his tail when hanging out.


When the weekend came, Lea was planning to work a full-day shift at the café along with her one and only best friend Allya and everything felt like things have been going smoothly when everyone happens to notice that something changed with Lea's mood lately.

The café owner Mr. Kyo and the rest could notice the change of her mood, it was obvious that Lea carries quite a lively atmosphere and it left them all guessing. When everyone was finally taking a break, Lea went and sat down next to Allyza and she decided to cut to the chase already to kill everyone's curiosity.

"What's with that smile?, Do you have a boyfriend or something? That's very unexpected.", Allyza teasingly said as she looked at her. Lea suddenly choked on her drink as she looked at her confused.

"W-What!?", Lea looked very surprised. Upon hearing the commotion, Mr. Kyo decided to join in their little conversation as he came up to them.

"How come you don't notice? Everyone noticed it too. Come on now, tell us more about your boyfriend."

Mr. Kyo said in a teasing manner, Allyza was chuckling as they shared a high-five while holding off their laugh. Lea was embarrassed as she hides her flushed cheeks, she can't handle the embarrassment at all.

"Mr. Kyo, please not you too!", Lea whined desperately as she looked frustrated from all their teasings that she immediately denied their ridiculous claims of her having a boyfriend but they looked at her otherwise.

"I don't have a boyfriend! It's not one of my priorities.", Lea said in her defense, Mr. Kyo and Allyza remained undoubtful about what they think and commented that people would sometimes change their mind once they get to meet someone that meets their eyes.

To this point, there's nothing left to do for me but sigh since convincing them would become into a debate.

Until suddenly, Kyler arrived at the café and waved his hand happily as soon as he caught Lea's eyes from the distance. Lea smiled and waved back at him, Mr. Kyo and Allyza just watched them as they started talking to each other with a lovey-dovey atmosphere.

"Oh my, the atmosphere in here today feel lovely~", Mr. Kyo said as he watched them with a smile. Allyza tried to hold her laughter and smiled with him.

"Can we get a table here?", Lea asked as she tells them that Kyler needs one for a group study. Allyza took her chance to tease her a little for fun.

"Sure, can't ruin a special table for your date?"

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