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『#2: "Hotel rooms and memories" 』


Elise couldn't even get a wink of sleep last night after her situation from last night, her thoughts about her situation made her traumatized for a moment but she was thankful that Koda came and saved her.

Elise slowly remembered Koda's worries and concerns for her and it made her heart feel warm, she then got up from bed and went to feed Bear and Chiffon as she usually do in her routine everyday.

Elise then got a message from her annoying brother again and he was furious that she and the CEO haven't sealed the deal, she was feeling exhausted with his tantrum that she just ignored it.

That was until Elise finds out an announcement and that they'll have no classes for a week due to an event that the institution has to discuss about, she can finally have some rest for a week after being exhausted.

Elise celebrated happily with Bear and Chiffon as she can finally spend her time resting for a whole week, no one is going to bother her and interrupt her. She then went to get herself back to bed and sleep in just for two more hours before she could finally be productive for the whole day, she tucks herself in bed and closed her eyes slowly as she came by her thoughts.

After an hour and a half passes by, Elise finally opened her eyes and felt lively. She stretched her arms widely as she got up from her bed, she went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled happily to get herself ready for the day, she stood up and went to make some delicious breakfast for herself.

Elise looked at her phone and noticed that Koda left her a few messages, he wants to invite her to a trip where there's a reserved hotel room for them to spend some time with. His reason is that he noticed how she looks exhausted from all the studying and that she deserves a better week off on a break.

Elise was a bit confused with the offer but she thought of it since Koda has been considerate of her lately, she went to message Koda and tell him that she accepts his considerate offer to her.

Koda was glad that she accepted and he told her to prepare her things because he'll pick her up by three o'clock on the afternoon, Elise almost choked on her food as she read his last message and she rushed to her bedroom to prepare everything she needs.

- "You could've told me earlier!"

She yelled out to herself, she hurriedly rummaged her entire wardrobe and thought of picking her outfit for the entire week. Meanwhile, Koda felt his ear tingling and thought that maybe someone is talking about him.

[ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ]


Koda was driving down the streets where he spotted Elise waiting with a suitcase and her pet cats Bear and Chiffon, he then stopped the car and met her with a kind smile on his face.

- "Have I kept you waiting for long?"

- "No, I've only waited for ten minutes."

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