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『#4: "Run away for the day with me" 』


Elise stood still on her place just as Lydia glared Drake, she could only see the trembling fear in her brother's eyes when being faced with their intimidating sister. Lydia then moved her gaze towards Elise, she tried to avoid her sister's gaze as she slowly approaches her.

Lydia looked at her straight into her eyes and Elise trembled but she held her ground to face her sister, Lydia was surprised to see her sister looking at her with eyes filled with courage.

- "So you finally came to your rebellious stage?"

She asked coldly, Elise kept mouth shut as she stared at her sister with perserverance. Lydia scoffed as she saw the courage within her sister's eyes burning like raging flames, she never expected to see this.

- "Why are you with Koda Auberone?"
- "He's someone who could manipulate you."

She stated coldly, the atmosphere changed quickly as Drake and their little sister Ellie could feel a cold chill in the air because of their sister's anger.

Elise's eyes opened widely in shock when she heard Koda's name being stained by their biased judgement about him, they do not see him the same way she sees him. Lydia could see that Elise was clenching her fists when she lets her words come out.

- "Why do you always see him that way?"
- "You don't even know who he really is..."

She mumbles quietly, she tried to control herself from shedding tears as she began to recall the moments she was alone before Koda came and stayed with her when she begged not to be left alone again. Lydia was left in disbelief when she heard her, just then, Koda arrived on time and hides Elise behind his back.

- "Surprised to meet you here."

She says nonchalantly, Koda glared at them as he kept Elise behind his back to protect her. Lydia glances at Elise and finds her trembling but slowly calming down when she has Koda next to her, she sighs.

- "Alright, it seems like I've only caused trouble to you."
- "If time is what you need, I'll give it to you."

She says coldly but relieved, everyone was surprised by her sudden change of mind especially Elise. Drake was opposed by the idea but he already froze before he could even say anything to Lydia.

- "We'll leave you for now."
- "But you owe me a meeting, Mr. Auberone."
- "Let's keep our formalities for now."

She stated coldly, Koda nodded in response that made her scoff as she held her laughter. A second later, Lydia walked away with Drake and Ellie going along with her with Drake looking unsatisfied.

Koda and Elise watches them walk away from them until he turned to Elise and asked if she was alright, she replied that she was alright and that she felt relieved that he came in time to protect her.

Koda frowned coldly as he felt unsatisfied with her answer, he then took her hand and told her that they should be going to other places where they could get peace in their minds from everything that happened.

Elise doesn't know who she could trust but she feels so free whenever Koda takes her away from her doubts, her fears, and her nightmares.

[ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ]

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