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"Sweet Delights Bakery"

It is a bakery that is known to have the most sweetest pastries that came from a family generation, it was now later own by a very young girl that surprised me with her abilities and manage to keep the business running with her own will only.

Her name is Sunshine, she's my boss and also my best friend that has been with my troubles and my success all throughout our years of friendship. We were both very skilled in baking but she has the passion that I couldn't surpass from her, that's what brings the best out of her every time.

- "Hey Samuel, mind if you could take the counter?"

She asked, I immediately went up to the counter and sighed. I'm glad that we recently started to have so many customers stopping by, they liked much of our pastries in the bakery that even our regulars often come by without fail.

Even though I'm currently mastering chef cuisine skills, I'm also pretty decent when it comes to my baking skill so that's enough for me. Some of our pastries tastes very sweet, that it made most of our customers love it that they couldn't get enough of it that they loved it very much.

I was really enjoying the view of so many people really smiling as they buy our pastries, I even requested for Sunshine to teach me some of the other recipes to keep up with her. But today feels a little different for me, as someone entered the bakery and I instantly knew who she was as she and I locked our eyes into each other.

Julie Ann:
- "Good afternoon..."

It was someone he met a few weeks ago, it was such a coincidence that we could meet in this circumstance. Samuel then cleared his throat as he calmly greeted her and welcomed her, he couldn't take his eyes off her.

- "Is there anything you would like?"

Julie Ann:
- "Yes, I'll take one small moist vanilla chocolate cake."

She politely replied, Samuel then told her that he'll get her order done if she could be patient and she didn't mind waiting at all. He then wondered if she used to visit at the bakery often since Julie Ann seems to be familiar with the place.

Samuel then placed her small cake on a box and wrapped a ribbon around it, he then placed the order on the counter and Julie Ann paid for it while he just couldn't keep his eyes off her.

- "You look beautiful..."

He said calmly as he stared in awe, Julie Ann couldn't help but get herself flustered as she couldn't take some compliments that are really meant for her. She could only thank him nervously as she took the box, she then said her goodbyes and left.

Samuel then got smacked by the head as Sunshine witnessed it all, he couldn't help but think about her gentle voice, her graceful movements and her smile.

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