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There was anger and rage boiled within Tyson's veins as Lawrence refused to free Emily from his persistent grasp, the intense tension caught the attention of the people around the café as they glared coldly at each other.

Emily struggled to free herself as she attempts to break them off as they were glared at each other. Panicking from letting their encounter turn into a violent one, but all her efforts were left in vain.

"You let go of her, you've gone far enough.", Lawrence demanded calmly as he faced his threatening gaze. Tyson scoffed as he gave him a cold reply, "Who are you to even judge me?", he replied with a grimace on his face.

It quickly alerted the staff members that they gathered around them before it worsens, Lawrence somehow pulled Emily with force towards him and that caused Tyson to lose his grip on her wrist.

As Emily was pulled into Lawrence's arms, Tyson lost control to his temper. He suddenly charged at Lawrence and grabbed him by the collar and pinned him on the wall, the staff members hurriedly restraints Tyson away from Lawrence but he aggressively tightened his grip at him.

"That's enough!", Emily shouted. The customers placed their attention towards them, she felt anxious when all of their eyes went to them.

"Please, I don't want you two to fight.. ", Emily begged as she attempts to separate them. Tyson glanced at her and met those sorrowful eyes and he froze, his eyes slowly softened and his rage withers. He looked devastated as the staff members pulls him away.

Emily hurriedly went to Lawrence's aid as he breathes calmly, the pain from Emily's eyes ached Tyson's heart.

— "It's over...", Tyson's voice weakened. He was advised to leave calmly and he left silently, Emily looks around among the crowd but he was no longer there, making her heart ache in agony.

— Longing to see him, under different circumstances...


Moments later, Lawrence and Emily apologized for the mess they made before they left under good terms with the café staff members. The wind was loud but it can't compete with the loudness of silence in Emily's heart.

It felt empty and silent, Lawrence could feel the guilt hitting him. He nudged her at the shoulder and she looked at him, looking like she was holding her tears in.

"Hey, are you alright?", Lawrence asked concerningly, Emily replied, "Yeah, just a lot of things in mind right now.", her voice fainted at the end only weighing the guilt from his inner conscience.

Lawrence remained silent as he watched Emily walked away from him, he accompanied her until she made it to the bus stop. They said their goodbyes to each other when the bus arrived but Emily said her goodbye in a very faint tone trying to hold herself from breaking, he glances worriedly at her as the door closed shut.

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