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『#5: "What makes you think I'm so special?" 』


Lea felt glad that Kyler ate everything that she cooked and felt stuffed right after, she couldn't help but laugh by seeing him like this. She cleaned up the mess right after while Kyler was sleeping on the couch, she then told him to get up and head to bed.

- "I don't wanna go to bed alone, I wanna go with you."

He grumbled, Lea then laughed and sighed as she took his hand and took him to bed. Lea was about to head back downstairs when Kyler suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her to bed with him.

- "I said that I'll sleep with you."

He said as he teasingly grinned, Lea struggled to move but she just sighed in defeat. He then pulled her close to him, Lea then just stared at him with awe and noticed how exhausted he obviously looked. Lea then thought of her grandmother and reminded her.

"You deserve happiness, don't give up yours for us."

Her grandmother once told her, Lea was always hard on herself just to make sure everyone that she loved dearly even if she has to bear the pain herself at such a very young age. Before she even realized it, tears were starting to roll down her cheeks.

- "Are you okay?"

- "Let's just stay like this for a little longer."

She replied weakly, Kyler then pulled her closer and held her tight in his arms. Lea finally feel at ease as Kyler kept her in his arms, they then went back to sleep that both of them didn't even realized.

[ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ]


Lea finds herself drowning in her memories, she then started to remember everything from her very lonely life at school to how she was a bright granddaughter and sister to his family.

Lea was a bit confused when she suddenly finds herself in the middle of the streets, she then spotted Kyler right across the street. He was wearing a tracksuit and wears a pair of earpods on both of his ears, he was carrying a bag filled with groceries.

Lea was a bit confused until she noticed that the pedestrian lane went green and Kyler started crossing the road until there was a car rampaging and was heading towards Kyler's direction, the car then hitted Kyler head on that made Lea scream in pain.

Lea then woke up with a cold sweat, she then found that Kyler's side was empty and he was nowhere to be found. She hoped that her nightmare was nothing and she immediately got up from bed and began searching for him around the apartment.

Lea then went downstairs and found that the entire place is empty, she panicked and the uneasiness in her heart was starting to tear her apart. Lea then called out his name acrossed the room but no one answered, she clenched her fists hardly on her chest. Lea then slowly broke down to the floor and sobbed out of pain.

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