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『#5: "Honest, you should stay with me" 』


It has already been a while, Elise could feel the tension of the upcoming midterms by next week. Elise has been studying for the whole week without taking a break as time is running out for her, she was getting pressured by the heavy tension yet Koda's comfort kept her going.

Koda encourages Elise to give the best she has on every potential at every moment possible, he even sneakingly went behind her when she was studying and wrapped his arms gently around her waist.

- "If you did your best, I'll hold you every hour."

He says with a cunning grin, Elise immediately turned red just within three seconds just by the thought of him holding her every hour when she wants to.

Elise finally had her source of motivation and now, she feels ready to give her potential while studying. Koda just stayed behind her and watches how Elise was very focused and was really giving her all.

- "I'll wait for you on the bedroom, don't overdo it."

He said as he left her alone in the living room, Elise continued on studying until half an hour had passed by. She finds herself getting exhausted that she got up from the table in the living room and went inside the room, Koda was waiting for her and she yawned as soon as she dropped herself to bed right next to him.

- "You forgot something."

He says softly to her ear, Elise could only mumble as she has no strength left in her body. Koda just smiled gently as he leaned down and kissed her lips softly before saying good night to her.

Elise then moved a bit closer to Koda as he wrapped the blanket on her, she wanted him to hold her every night without saying anything and Koda understood what he has to do every night and just carried along.

[ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ]


Both Elise and Koda went to their classes as normal and kept their focus on their students as they promised that they'll give their all, she was glad that she gets to exceed in every class with her overall performance but it was also very exhausting for Elise.

Elise just hopes that she'll make it out of her classes without giving up despite the extreme exhaustion, she manages to adapt to her lessons quickly and listened to every class discussion without taking a break.

It was until then, break time finally came. Elise thought of spending her time alone in the park until she notices someone familiar from the distance, she was surprised to find out that it was Emily and she was alone which is not something you'll see everyday.

Elise called out her name and went up to her, Emily also looked exhausted from their classes without even taking the slightest break as well. Elise offered Emily to share her lunch since she and Koda cooked it.

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