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『#1: "Ask me why my heart's inside my throat, I've never been in love, I've been alone." 』


As the fireworks lighted up the starry night sky ablaze welcoming the new year, Liam stood alone in his office watching every spark igniting as his deep ocean-blue eyes gazed upon every moment it collapsed in his sight.

Suddenly, Sec. Clyde entered his office as he knocked on the door. He smiled as he looked at Liam when he puts his cup of coffee on his desk, he suddenly had the urge to ask him directly without hesitating.

"Are you used to be alone always, Sir?", he asked.

Liam suddenly turned silent as he thought about the question, it was something that he had never thought. He haven't thought of an answer he could give to him, knowing that Sec. Clyde is someone who empathizes greatly with anyone he interacts with.

"Maybe I am.", Liam answered bluntly.
"Do you want to be alone?", Sec. Clyde asked again.

Liam began remembering those times in his childhood, his twin brother Lawrence gaining the favor of love of their own mother. To her and her family, he was an outcast and nothing more than that.

Her eyes turned into disgust every time she looks into his deep ocean-blue eyes, he was taught to be reserved, emotionless, and silenced that he felt lifeless until that his grandfather took him in and spent his last moments with him as he promised to him that he'll succeed.

When a young Liam was standing in front of his own grandfather's casket, people looked at him confused because he didn't cry when he stayed with him until his final moments or even in front of his corpse under the cold rain. That was when Liam felt his loneliness was coming back to him, with his every memory and sorrow in his heart hidden within his eyes.

As Liam came back to his senses, Sec. Clyde watched as he felt a bit distressed despite keeping his poker face at all times. He apologized for asking him a very sensitive question towards him and excused himself to leave.

As Sec. Clyde left his office, Liam sighed silently as he gazed upon the empty night sky as the firework shows had finally ended.

[ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ]


It was another normal morning and suddenly the clock alarms around 6AM in the morning, Fiona got up after hearing the first three beeps and turned it off. She then got up from her bed and headed at the mirror to look at her disheveled hair and clothes.

Fiona yawned as she felt a bit more sleepy when her mother suddenly started yelling outside her room.

"Fiona, you awake? Time for breakfast.", her mom said.
"I'm coming Mom, just give a minute.", she replied.

After a minute, Fiona left her room with her hair tied to a ponytail and had her clothes fixed. She chuckled when she found her little sister yawning with a messy hair, she then tidies her hair and told her to wash up her face before heading for breakfast.

"Hm, last night was a bit of a mess...", their mom said.
"Well, it's the new year, my dear.", their dad replied.

They both chuckled as they began flirting in front of their children in which Fiona looked at them with an awkward face while her sister looks at them with a confused expression as if she was processing.

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