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『#3: "What if we just fall?" 』


Emily remained silent because she has nothing to say, she couldn't believe the person that was right in front of her. Emily desperately tries to stop herself from shedding her tears for him, Tyson stood across their distance as they gazed at the fields of lavenders.

For a moment there, Tyson could only turn to leave as he wanted to avoid her meeting her eyes. He could only feel regret for disappearing, he slowly looked back at her and approached her slowly.

Emily could feel her heart skipping with each step he takes slowly, they remained silent when their distance was finally closed. They were in front of each other but neither wanted to let out a single word.

Emily could only regret for the decision she already made, she wanted to love someone new in order to forget the pain that she endured but she couldn't.

Emily glanced at him and met his kind eyes, she wants to tell him that her love for him is still within her. Her love for him was irreplaceable, she knew that she'll go back to him and she was right all along.

Emily admits that she felt happy when Lawrence came and filled a part of her that was missing but it's nothing compared to what she feels for Tyson, he completed her with his love, pain, and memories.

They both stood silent in the middle of the field of the fragrant lavenders, it was moment they wanted to last but time was not on their side for now.

- "It's been a while, Emily..."

He said nervously, the silence finally breaks between them that made Emily feel warm when she heard him again. Their love still remained even if their distance felt so far away from each other to reach, but they both knew it was already too late.

- "I'm sorry, but I have to go."

He excused himself, he knew that he never wanted to leave but he hesitated this time. Emily remained quiet just to hold her tears in when he was about to leave, all she wanted was to see him again, feel his warmth, and hear his voice for another moment.

- "It was nice meeting you again."

He said as he forced a smile, Emily couldn't hold it any longer and tears began falling down to her cheeks. She couldn't wipe them away as she watched Tyson walk away for a short distance and stopped.

Tyson turns back and went back to Emily, he gently embraced her in his arms while she sobs softly. Tyson wiped her tears away as he pulled her closer to him. He gently leaned his head on her head before he kisses it softly to ease her pain.

- "I promise this won't be our last goodbye, I'll stay."

He said, Emily couldn't stop her tears from falling to her cheeks that she struggled breathing. Questions kept on flooding in her mind that she doesn't knkw what to tell him but she just looked at him with hope.

- "I'll wait, I promise. I'll wait for as long as it takes."

She said as she wiped her tears away, Tyson gently brushes off her hair with his fingers. He looked at her in the eye with his soft gaze, he slowly pulled her close and leaned closer until their lips meet and shared a soft kiss as he embraced her for the last moment.

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