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『#2: "Are we just too scared to fight for what we want tonight?" 』


From 5:30 AM in the morning, Allyza did everything on her routine like it all happened yesterday. As she made it to her stop, Allyza meets Lea on their way to the café. Both of them went on their way together and talked all of the things they want to do on their road trip, she told Allyza that they have two weeks for their road trip.

They both shortly arrived at the café and everyone was already taking their time to start opening up, Lea and Allyza went to change into their uniforms and the day started with many customers.

As they were taking a break, Allyza and Lea thought of heading to Mr. Kyo's office and they found him in there along with Hyun-Jin. Allyza felt the heavy tension that she suddenly felt nervous, Lea then got straight to the point directly of their intrusion and explained their temporary absence for a while.

Mr. Kyo approves of it and told them to have some fun, Hyun-Jin on the other hand, hopes that they can get a part-timer that could fill in their roles while they're away for a while.

Mr. Kyo then interrupted Hyun-Jin and told him that he had already someone who called him last night and wants to partake the job application, Hyun-Jin sighed in relief while Lea and Allyza thanked them.

They went downstairs right after their short meetings and went to enjoy the long break since they have less customers for the day, clouds in the sky later darkened and the thunder roared heavily.

It was raining heavily in just a few moments, everyone was just minding their own business. Min-Ho was just reading a book while Jae-Hyuk stood behind him and was reading the book with him, Min-Ho thought he was going to get teased by Jae-Hyuk but he just looked at him and smiled that made his cheeks red that he hid his face with the book while Jae-Hyuk grinned.

Suddenly, someone entered the café from the cold rain. He was a young man who seems to be around his teens, his face made him look young with an eye-catching sight of his beautiful deep-ocean blue eyes.

- "Hello, Is there anything you like?"

He asked concerningly, Min-Ho doesn't want to make the young one uncomfortable because he was someone that he couldn't read with his unfazed expression from his face. The young man simply asked for Mr. Kyo and Hyun-Jin went up to him, he told him to follow him as they went to Mr. Kyo's office for the job application.

Jeong Jiah and Allyza noticed that the young man looks so young that they assumed him to be a working high school student. Meanwhile, Hyun-Jin knocked on Mr. Kyo's office and notified him about the part-timer.

The young man took his seat in front of Mr. Kyo's desk and he went to rummage around his bag and pulls out his job application form and important documents that he needs for applying.

Mr. Kyo and Hyun-Jin was left surprised to find that he got everything prepared, the other thing that surprises them is that he looked calm with his expression and his actions that is quite impressive.

The young man was someone you can't read within, he just looked at Mr. Kyo with his ocean-blue eyes without blinking. Hyun-Jin couldn't tell what was going through the kid's thoughts or even what he was feeling.

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