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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
87 Published 05.24.2023


"She changed my life." -RKG


Turning away from the boys, my eyes focus on Nathan as he runs a hand through his hair in frustration. He's agitated... I can see his shoulders tense from my view as he clenches his jaw every now and then.

The laughter in the background continues, but I pay no attention to it as Nathan continues to argue into the phone his jaw clenching when his face morphs into one of worry. He's been like that ever since Bryson and him got back from the mall a few days ago.

He seems more worried than usual, he's constantly on his phone. And when he's not, his head seemed to be somewhere else, and it caused an unsettling feeling to rise within me because I didn't have to guess to know that the person behind Nathan's sudden change is Rose.

I also didn't have to hear her voice to know who was at the other end of the line.

I know it's her.

I know it's Rose who Nathan has been in distress with for the past few days.

"Rose!" Nathan exclaims and my heart races at the scene unfolding before me. I know he's upset, but I have never seemed him this anxious before. From my distance I can see his eyebrows scrunch up and his lips are drawn into a thin line as he holds the bridge of his nose. It seems he's trying to calm down because he takes a deep breath before continuing. "I know, trust me. I know you are. That's the issue, that you shouldn't be-"

Not wanting to continue listening to his personal conversation, I look away and focus on the lads who are just playing football among themselves.

It's only Alec, Ethan, Bryson, Nathan, and I. The others are in class, so we decided to come to the field because we have a free period.

Alec is currently having a contest with Ethan to see who can juggle the football with their thighs the longest. I expected Bryson to be playing with them, but when I turn around, I notice that his focus is on Nathan, a concerned look on his face.

"You okay?" I punch his shoulder softly and his eyes snap to mine.

"Yeah," He gives me a smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes and I grow concerned.

What could Nathan and Rose be talking about that it even has Bryson worried?

Bryson turns to the lads just as Ethan bursts into a laugh. It seems he's winning since Alec is slowly falling behind.

"Nobody told you to eat all of that food earlier." Ethan jokes as Alec holds his ground.

"I will go down a fighter." He raises a hand to his heart dramatically and I roll my eyes.

"I'm concerned about her, James." Bryson says out of nowhere, his voice low enough for only both of us to hear and I snap my eyes to his dark ones. "I wish she would just see you. You're good for her."

Bryson doesn't get a chance to continue because the footsteps behind us causes him to turn quiet. Glancing behind us, we see Nate jogging towards us, the phone in his hand no longer visible as he comes to stand in between us.

"Sorry, guys. I had to take care of something." He grins at us before turning to the front. "So, who's winning?"

All three of us focus on the two boys in front us and Nathan snickers next to me.

"Bro, I'm gone for 10 minutes, and you fall behind?" Nate questions at Alec and my blond best friend only flashes him the middle finger causing all of us to laugh.

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