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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
00 Published 01.10.2020

Updated 06.05.2022


"And it that moment, a bond of a lifetime was formed" -Shilpa Goel


James takes a deep breath as he walks through the park, his eyes admiring the scenery around him.

Theo, his dog, walks in front of him enjoying the wind blowing on his fur.

A small smile forms on the boy's lips as his green eyes stare at the way the shade of the trees reflects on the water, but the moment he stops hearing Theo's steps he looks away from the scenery before him and focuses on the tiny puppy seating on the ground. The leash that binds them together hanging in the middle.

Softly pulling at the leash, James attempts to make Theo stand but the stubborn puppy pays no mind to his owner and continues to stare into the distance. "Come on boy. Let's go."

With curious eyes, James tries to find the thing that has captured Theo's attention thinking that it's just a random squirrel running around. But as his roam around the park, a frown begins to form on his face.

He couldn't find anything.

Growing confused, James takes a step forward and crouches down to the puppy's level using his left hand to caress the golden hairs on his body.

"What's wrong?" James questions, but Theo only whines in response pulling at the leash around his neck.

Theo did not understand how his owner remained unable to hear the sound coming from the trees when he could hear it clearly. Hoping to grab the boy's attention, the puppy whines and begins to walk towards the sound.

Being tugged by Theo, James has no choice but to stand up from the ground and follow the puppy before him.

The two of them walk into the forest with Theo sniffing the ground, his ears perking every now and then as he gets closer to the noise. Meanwhile, James simply looks around contemplating if he should turn around. All he sees is tall trees, and if it wasn't for the rays of the sun, he probably wouldn't be able to see a thing.

He doesn't understand what Theo is hearing, the only sound he is able to pick up is the sound of branches breaking under his shoes.

Minutes pass as the two of them continue walking until Theo begins to get agitated and James manages to hear something.

It's faint, but as they get closer, he pinpoints the direction of the sound.

Focusing on the sound his brows furrow in response.

It sounds like someone is crying. He thought.

James lets go of Theo's leash knowing that the little puppy won't go anywhere and decides to find the origin of the sound.

He doesn't know where he's going, but as he gets closer, his feet automatically stop in front of a tree, Theo stopping beside him. But James doesn't turn to look at his puppy because his attention is now directed on something else.

Or more like someone.

A girl.

She's sitting against the tree, legs folded towards her chest, elbows propped on her knees as she leans toward her arms.

James is unable to see her face since it's hidden in between her arms, and the hoodie over her head does not help his case. But the shaking of her shoulders and the constant sobs that come out from her are enough for James to know that she is crying.

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