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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
74 Published 07.20.2020


Listen to sad songs while reading this, I recommend it. My heart was crying.



From the moment I woke up there has been one single thing on my mind.


My Rose.

She seemed to have taken over my thoughts, reminding me of what would soon happen.

Even last night, I could only stare into the darkness of my room, thinking of ways to explain the truth to Rose without ruining what we have.

I didn't want to ruin whatever it is we have.

Those feelings, those emotions I feel for her, because of her. I didn't want to ruin it.

But it was too late.

Perhaps, there was nothing else I could do, except tell her the truth.

And the fear, the fear that flowed through my veins. The fear of losing her has taken over my body.

Taking a sip of my orange juice, I place the glass down. Glaring at the table in front of me as if it were at fault for my mistakes.

It was the only thing I could do.

Taking the last bite of my breakfast, I put the fork down and pick up my plate from the table. The TV was on, the news anchor talking about the weather forecast for today. It seemed that the sky was in the same mood as me. The day was sunny, but there was 60% chance of rain later in the night.

Walking inside the kitchen, I place my dishes in the wide sink. Opening the faucet, I reach forward for the scrub, but aunt Evelyn stops me before I even have the change to grab it.

"James, leave that there," She takes the dirty plate from my hand and I stand there, my hand still in the air. "I will wash the dishes. You hurry up and head to school. Hurry." Ushering me aside, I bring my hand down to my side and give her a quick glance.

"Thank you, aunt." I mumble absentmindedly, my head in another place.

Leaving the kitchen, I walk past the dining table and lean down in front of the couch to pick up my bag from the floor. Swinging it over my shoulder, the bag slams into my back, hitting me softly.

I stretch my my arm to pick up my phone from the armrest and shove it inside the pocket of my trousers. From the other side of the couch, I feel Nico staring at me, but I don't say anything.

The rest of the guys had left earlier today, leaving Nico and I to ourselves. Stopping before the small book shelve, I pick up the keys from the top and throw them to Nico, who catches them with ease.

I had too much on my mind to even focus on driving. So, it's better for him to drive us today.

Nico doesn't say anything as he swings the keys around his finger and I pull the door open, revealing warm rays of the blinding sun as they come in contact with my face.

Holding the strap of my bag I'm about to take a foot outside the door, but the hand on my shoulder stops me.

Glancing to my side, I wait for the boy behind me to say something. He's quiet for a few seconds, almost is if searching for the right words and I stand there, letting him take his time.

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